"Show Off Your Pens" Virtual Gathering

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Feb 2, 2006
Harrisburg, PA 17112
This will be Zoom virtual gathering. Join the meeting and show off one or more of your latest creations. I will post the meeting link in the Virtual Gatherings forum on Wednesday before the meeting. Mark James will be there to show a few of the pens in the IAP Collection.
This is a link to a Tutorial on How to use the Zoom software and a "Cheat Sheet" that shows the layout and features of the Zoom software on Windows. Zoom clients are available for both Apple Iphones, Android, and most tablets. When the Meeting link is posted it will appear as an Image like this one. It is a link. Just click on "Join out Cloud HD Video Meeting now". You can also save the link. The link may and probably will change in the future. This is just an image, there is no link in it. (Sorry).

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I was ready for the meeting this past Saturday and was home. THEN about 7 (central) my neighbor called his friendly handyman (me) to come and help install two window unit air conditioners that he just purchased. His central AC went out Sat afternoon; he went to Memphis 35-40 miles and bought 2 window units to carry him until the AC man could come on Wednesday, - or Thursday or Friday. ;)

I got home too late to catch the Zoom meeting.
I also missed the last meeting... Totally my error for a missed date on the calendar (Saturday vs my thought for Sunday). Hopefully my memory and numerous note pads attached to my computer will get me to the meeting this week. ;) 🤫.
Suggestion: Our wood turning club also holds zoom show and tell sessions. For the first one, members tried to show off with the webcams in real time. What has worked better is for those who wish to show something to send a photo to the moderator and have the moderator present the photo while the maker describes it. Just an idea.
Suggestion: Our wood turning club also holds zoom show and tell sessions. For the first one, members tried to show off with the webcams in real time. What has worked better is for those who wish to show something to send a photo to the moderator and have the moderator present the photo while the maker describes it. Just an idea.
Bruce, that is some good information, and I have been wondering about that. There are so many interpretations on how to present pens (or its it matters) - that I can see it being all over the place. We will learn from this one and maybe there could be some guidelines made up for presentation if photo picts are not available.

I am interested in seeing this one.
Suggestion: Our wood turning club also holds zoom show and tell sessions. For the first one, members tried to show off with the webcams in real time. What has worked better is for those who wish to show something to send a photo to the moderator and have the moderator present the photo while the maker describes it. Just an idea.

Hi Bruce (or Randy). Should the photo(s) be sent via IAP PM, or a regular email. Also, can Randy use the pictures of the IAP Collection already on the IAP stored Album, as well as anyone else's stored photos?
If folks are showing their pens themselves, there are a couple things that could help.

First, turn off their virtual background as sometimes an object such as a turning gets "lost" or is invisible since Zoom software is looking for a persons head shape in the virtual background. Holding the pen/turning right in front of your body helps a lot rather than off to the side.

Secondly, a person could hold their other hand or a piece of paper/card behind the pen/turning so the camera can focus on It object better and it and you or whatever in the background.

Another option is to have the folks take their own photos of the pen and then share their screen with the pics showing. They would need to have the pics already open on their screen. ( Note, you have no control over what someone might share...appropriate or inappropriate)

Lastly, as Bruce mentioned, have someone receive all photos and put in a slideshow and have the pen maker tell while you show the photo.

Another trick which our club does for show and tell is have everyone who doesn't have anything to show turn off their live cameras so the moderator can simply call on those who still have their live camera on. Much easier than multiple folks talking at once trying to show their item. Note that persons with a static photo loaded in Zoom can only go from live camera shot to their stock photo.... not a blacked out screen.

Hope this helps!
My Apologies. I have not been following this thread. It would be best to take photos, but a little late now. Maybe next time we do this.
This is the INVITATION to the Zoom virtual gathering. Join the meeting and show off one or more of your latest creations. I will post the meeting link in the Virtual Gatherings forum on Wednesday before the meeting. Mark James will be there to show a few of the pens in the IAP Collection.
This is a link to a Tutorial on How to use the Zoom software and a "Cheat Sheet" that shows the layout and features of the Zoom software on Windows. Zoom clients are available for both Apple Iphones, Android, and most tablets. When the Meeting link is posted it MAY appear as an Image. It is a link. Just click on "Join out Cloud HD Video Meeting now". You can also save the link. The link may and probably will change in the future.

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My Apologies. I have not been following this thread. It would be best to take photos, but a little late now. Maybe next time we do this.
This is the INVITATION to the Zoom virtual gathering. Join the meeting and show off one or more of your latest creations. I will post the meeting link in the Virtual Gatherings forum on Wednesday before the meeting. Mark James will be there to show a few of the pens in the IAP Collection.
This is a link to a Tutorial on How to use the Zoom software and a "Cheat Sheet" that shows the layout and features of the Zoom software on Windows. Zoom clients are available for both Apple Iphones, Android, and most tablets. When the Meeting link is posted it MAY appear as an Image. It is a link. Just click on "Join out Cloud HD Video Meeting now". You can also save the link. The link may and probably will change in the future.


Randy, I picked out 5 pens from the IAP Collection and have photos of them in a separate photo album. If it is OK with you, if you enable the "Share Screen" function, I can display nice photos instead of me holding them.
Sorry Guys, I thought that was the link to show up. 7:36 and checking, checking, then I realized I have a communication problem.

I thought "Click the link" would put me there. Then I realized that I had to be sent an invitation.

The confusion is below. When I see a head line with "Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Now" and I have been out for a while, it makes me think I can join it now.

I know Zoom has its own jargon, but setting up meetings here has been confusing. I have 3 to 4 Zoom meetings per week with about 100 people total (but twice a month with a few hundred) and we don't have this misunderstanding.

Sorry I had to leave the meeting early. I'm staying at my Fathers house while he is in the hospital and his WiFi connection isn't very good, but I enjoyed seeing the few pens that I did.
Great work by all.
The meeting went fine, with just a few glitches - we are all learning. I will encourage folks to keep posting questions on this new "tool." I am not very conversant with Zoom, but my wife gave me a nice review, and on my end it was very workable.

Thanks Randy for getting this started. The opportunity to do these types of meetings will be both an opportunity and a challenge for those of use not as familiar with the technology - but, we are trainable! It was nice to see some familiar faces and actually talk "pen turning" with a few folks in real time.

Unsure if you want to join in??? Ask questions and try. If it does not work the first time, keep trying, it is worth the effort.
I was a little late to the party, so I tried to join at about 21:05. When zoom started up, it said it was joining meeting, then that the host would ask me to join shortly. Then it just sat there. I finally gave up.
I have used zoom before and not had this problem joining a meeting, but I may have done something wrong.

I hope everyone had a great visit, and I will definitely try again next time.
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