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Feb 5, 2005
Chippewa Falls, WI, USA.
Finally I was able to get down in my shop yesterday and turn a couple of pens. I turned my first couple of acrylic pens. Now I see why these are popular here, I like the challenge and the results are worth it. Nice way to take my mind off the things that are going on around here.

I usually close up shop in the summer, on weekends I go fishing at our lake place. When the weather turns then I head down to my basement shop. I was fixin' to start up a couple of weeks ago when disaster struck. My daughter was seriously injured in a bus-semi truck accident at 2am on the morning of the 16th. Maybe some of you saw this on the news, it was on CNN for days. She was in the lead bus of 4 busses returning to Chippewa Falls from the WI state marching band competition. She is a staff member for the band. The bus struck an overturned semi truck trailer. Four people were killed, including the band director, his wife, and grandaughter.

My daughter was seated in the fifth row of the bus with her boyfriend. She received multiple fractures to her right leg and severe head lacerations, but thank God she is alive. She's at our house now recovering. Tuesday she will have follow up surgery to her leg. In time she should heal totally and the doc says she'll be able to snowboard again. Her boyfriend is physically ok, had a broken nose and his leg is busted up, but I think he's having emotional problems.

This accident has been horrible for our family and the whole community. My son returned from Wyoming for the services. He was close to the band director. Everyone here has stories and memories, the band kids and alumni are like a large family. It will take time for everyone to accept this.

So I was happy to get in my shop for a bit, and try some new things. I'm still working up to making a replacement pen for my daughter, hers was lost in the wreckage. I got some cat material from Ed, she loves cats so I think it will be a hit. I'm looking forward to her expression when she sees that pen.
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I am so sorry for your community's loss. My family will pray that your daughter has a speedy, painless, and full recovery.
My son is in the marching band and every time they have away games I worry about the bus ride home from away games.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I guess I was tired when I wrote this, actually 5 people were killed in the crash. I tend to think about the staff members and forget about the bus driver. I'm still not thinking clearly.

Here's a web site with more details:
My daughter Amy is the "pit" or stationary percussion director.

Ron, does your school have a policy about busses driving at night?

Thanks again everyone.
I don't know of any policy at all. All I know is that some nights they get back to the school at around 12:30 in the morning for the parents to pick them up. What kind of a policy are you thinking? Seat belts would be nice!
I'm really sorry to hear that your family and community were involved in this terrible accident. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we wish your daughter and her boyfriend a speedy recovery- both physically and emotionally.

That accident hit fairly close to home even out here in CA. My youngest daughter is in band and travels to competitions frequently. In fact we're headed to San Diego next weekend for one. They are hosting one in 2 weeks. She is also in pit.

May God continue to bless your daughter as she heals and to bless others with the understanding and comfort they need.
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