Seeking Segmenting Advice - Wood and TruStone

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Jun 9, 2017
Columbus, Nebraska, USA
Greetings from Nebraska.

I have materials either on hand or on order to make some pens with the Southwest theme. I am planning to make segmented blanks for them using Desert Ironwood and Turquoise TruStone both from Arizona along with brass or aluminum separators.

I plan on gluing the blank up with epoxy and drilling from the TruStone end into the brass and Ironwood as I have heard that the TruStone is susceptible to chip out as the drill bit exits. I will be using a carbide tipped drill and will be turning using fresh carbide tools. I haven't decided yet whether or not I am going to glue some stabilizing splints on the blank before I take it to the drill.

Thank you in advance for comments and suggestions regarding with these materials.

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Not all truestone is true trustone. Some is basically acylic. Just make the piece a little longer and trim later if worried about blow out on the ends or don't drill all the way through. As far as splintering with turning, no not going to happen if you use sharp tools and lite cuts as with all materials. Same pen turning rues aply to that as do all materials. Go for it and lets see what you come up with.
A tip about drilling ....

.... if you can do it on the lathe, my experience tells me that is better than using a drill press .... less likely to chip or tear when exiting the blank, and also gives you a more accurately centered, and more accurately round, hole. . This all helps when "marrying" truestone (or equivalent) to a wood blank.
Mesquite and Gold Matrix Tourquoise Trustone.

I used 2 part epoxy, let set overnight. Went slow with drilling and turning, but did nothing special to support the sections.


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