SE Mind Bender Contest #6

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New Member Advocate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Alvin, TX 77511
Here is Mind Bender #6 - this is another Wood Identification Contest that we might call "How well do you know your ebony?"

Your challenge is to identify the 5 varieties of ebony in the photo below. Common or scientific names will be accepted.

Send your list (1-5) of answers to and put "Mind Bender #6" or something to that effect in the subject so I will know which contest you are entering. As always, only one entry per person.

You must match up the correct name with each number (1-5) to get credit for it. You will earn 2 points if you get all 5 correct or 1 point if you get at least 3. Everyone earning at least one point will be included in the individual drawing for this contest (unless you win some other Mind Bender prize).

Keep in mind that not all varieties of "ebony" wood are members of the Ebenaceae family. (That may or may not apply to the woods in this contest.)

This contest will remain open until sometime on Monday, Aug 29.

Banter is encouraged, but please do not post any real hints.

Have fun - let me know if you have any questions.



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A Few Hours Left

Mind Bender #6 will close sometime this evening, so you still have a little time to get your entries in.
Mind Bender #6 Results

Mind Bender Contest #6 is now closed.

The correct answers were:

1. Black & White Ebony
2. Mun Ebony
3. Gabon Ebony (Gaboon Ebony & African Ebony also accepted)
4. Texas Ebony
5. Macassar Ebony

We had a total of 8 entries and only one (Warren Welch) got all 5 correct. Warren will earn 2 points for identifying all 5 correctly. Two people got 3 correct and one person got 4 right. Those three will each earn one point for this contest.

Here's a photo of these blanks showing the wood labels.


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