Saying Hello

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Jun 30, 2008
Holstein, Ontario, Canada.
Hey My name is Jonathan and I live in Ontario, Canada. I mostly turn bowls and am starting in hollow forms. But over the last two months I've been turning pens live mad. I want to try and sell some pens and stoppers along with my bowls at some local craft shows and farmers markets. If I'm lucky I may even make a bit of side money. I don't plan on retiring with pen turning but it's fun to do when I'm not turning bowls.

Here are a few of my latest creations.


Thanks for having me.
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Dang, Jonathan, it looks like you can already teach many of us a thing or two! Welcome aboard, I think you will find a fair number of Canada's finest already here at the site.
Welcome to the Forum, Jonathan. Very nice work on your pens. Be sure to post pictures of your favorite bowls in the section on Other Things We Turn. Several of us here also turn bowls from time to time. :D
Hello Jonathan,

Like everyone else here, I think the pens are very nice. If you don't mind, could you maybe put a description of the materials you use for the pens. I am new to turning and am trying to learn different materials by sight. (especially the one in the middle of the three in the top picture)

Thanks and welcome.
Welcome, Jonathan. I'd like to point out that proper protocol for new members calls for them to post cra**y looking pens instead of nice ones like yours. It makes the old guys/gals around here feel threatened when you show up with skills! ;)
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