Save All Month Long At IPD

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Jun 27, 2007
Zionsville, Indiana
Celebrate seven years of IAP success with month long savings at Indy~Pen~Dance.

During the month of February use coupon code IAP7 to receive an additional 10% off of your entire order. This discount also includes quantity prices. Simply enter the code above while viewing your cart before you checkout. IPD will also donate 5% of sales during the Bash to IAP. Shipping to US and Candian addresses will remain $1.00 throught the bash.

Did someone say they want more? After much discussion we have decided to pull a DIW burl blank , which originally came from Nolan, out of our private stash. At the end of the month we will give a third party a list of our invoice numbers for the month. They will pick one invoice from that list to receive this Desert Ironwood Burl blank.
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Just an update on our current weather/shipping issues: We were unable to get out today due to weather and have been put under a local disaster emergency today so no one allowed on the streets that is not essential emergency or medical personnel. As soon as this situation resolves we will get all orders out ASAP. We appreciate your patience while Mother Nature holds us all in her icy grip!

Also an additional reminder - please remember to use the IAP7 discount code with your orders so that you receive your discount immediately. (We will, of course, fix the few that went through without the discount code for whatever reason!)

Enjoy the PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another shipment of blanks arrived from Nolan today. This time we have some of the really nice stuff such as Mallee, Amboyna, Snake-wood and more Redwood. We will be putting these up on the website as fast as time permits. We have also shipped all orders today that were placed during the storm.

Here are some samples of the Narrow leaf Mallee and Koa we have added tonight.

So that we can announce a winner on the last day of the Bash for the DIW burl blank, Feb 26th will be the last day of elligable purchases. This will give us time on the 27th to give the list of entries to our third party number picker. Here is a reminder of what is up for grabs. Thank you all for your wonderful support this month.

Thanks for the update folks.

Everyone has a little over two days to make your purchase and get entered for the DIW Burl drawing. The 10% discount on all IAP orders will continue through Monday the 28th. Thank you all for your support, not only to us but to IAP as 5% of sales are donated to IAP.
Today is your last day to make a purchase and be eligible for the DIW Burl blank.

The 10% Birthday Bash discount with coupon code IAP7 will still be good through Monday the 28th.
Winner Announcement

Mesquiteman did us a huge favor and picked an invoice number from this months sales.

The winner of the Desert Ironwood Burl blank is.....



Jason, this blank will be on it's way to you on Monday.

Thank you everyone for more than just a month long of support. The last four months since the launching of our new web site has been a nice surprise to us. The Birthday Bash 10% discount will continue on until midnight for those last minute shoppers. Coupon code IAP7

Thanks again and may your 2011 pen turning season be your best yet.
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