Hi all.. going to try and answer a bunch of things. As you guys have seen, yes we are using Shopify. We were not getting password reset emails out for everyone even after getting emails attached to exoticblanks.com instead of Shopify (No longer need to whitelist Shopify for exotics!).
To get it working, we had to switch to the "code" instead of password method. Code emails ARE making it to email (basically instantly). So you guys can ignore passwords, put in your email (no password) and it should prompt for a code. Supposidly once it knows you shop won't ask every time for a code, but I've not verified that yet.
@Darios - if you want an export of history, send an email to
sales@exoticblanks.com - ask for it and I can help them get you an extract.
@rixstix - same .. if you want your email address changed, send that request to
sales@exoticblanks.com and Dawn can change it for you, keeping all your history.
If someone created a new email and wants to attach to an old, Dawn should be able to merge accounts as well.
If I've not answered your issue.. send email or tag me here.