"Royal Quartz" Baron Fountain

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
This is that "Royal Quartz" blank that was bouncing around on a couple of my listings. It hadn't sold, so under the saw it went.

This is one of the experiments I was messing around with using clear and colored resin swirls:

I like the depth of the blue swirls and the 'floating' pearl is pretty neat in the light.

After drilling, I painted the inside of the tubes bright red. Now that it's done, there's about twenty-seven other colors I could think of that I should have painted it instead of red. Maybe I'll send it to Richard Petty. heh

Standard resin turn, skew to shape, MM2400 - 4000, white diamond buff. Nothing really odd to report. It was a joy to work with some straight resin again, aside from all the static ribbons stuck all over everything.

The kit is a Platinum Baron from Bill at AS, thanks Bill! :D

Comments/Questions/Suggestions welcome!


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It could have been worse Karl, you could have painted the thing Orange as in Denver Broncos [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)] I think it looks OK, you got a nice swirl, and the pen looks good, [8D]
Does anybody feel as dumb as I do ?? I doubt it ! I must have looked at that blank 20 times and missed the CLEAR part everytime ! That's cool Karl . I'll have to read closer next time they come up ! Nice work ! [8D]
It's hard to see the clarity of the resin in blank form. There's a lot of pearl in there, and it really clouds up when it's 7/8" thick. I was pretty surprised at how red the red got, though. I wish I would have used a light teal or something. I've got a few more of these in the works, and now that I've seen one actually turned, I have a couple new ideas I want to try. :)
The pen looks good, other than the blinding red :D.

Depending on the color settings on a monitor, you could mistaken the colors for Bronco colors! I did at first before I read it was red.....
Originally posted by bitshird

It could have been worse Karl, you could have painted the thing Orange as in Denver Broncos [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)] I think it looks OK, you got a nice swirl, and the pen looks good, [8D]

them's fightin' words ken! ;)

nice pen karl. i think the red is cool but it would be neat to see with others as well.
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