Remembrance - from Stoneman

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Feb 16, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Four years ago tonight, at 11:30, we received a dreadful phone call notifying us that our youngest daughter was lost in a rafting accident. We spent three long days standing on the banks of the Oconee River while the rescuers searched for her body.

Our good friend, Stoneman, designed and carved this beautiful stone in memory of Alicia and the recent passing of our Golden Retriever. You'll see two sets of footprints walking off to Heaven. The stone rests on our fireplace mantel.

Thank you Steve for the beautiful memorial. You are truly an artisan.
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What a thoughtful piece, So sorry to hear about your loss I can't imagine it gets any easier with time. I hope it brings back many happy memories of the time you had together.
Al, My son would have turned 21 the 2nd of next month. We lost him when he was three months old. My heart is with you tonight. I often think back and wonder how the human body can even survive some of the torture it goes through when a child is lost. But we do manage to go on. I always say "you never get over it, you just learn to live with it".
I will think of you often in the next couple of days. I know all to well that it doesn't help, but know you are not alone.
Thanks for taking time to remind us of what's really important...
Al, that is a wonderful tribute to two lives and two souls that loved each other. Like you, I believe Alicia and Shadow are walking together again.

Responding to a dying old woman's inquiry
James Herriot, the late British author/veterinarian noted:

"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty
and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of
humans. You've nothing to worry about there."
He goes to note regarding animals
joining their masters in the afterlife:
"I do believe it. With all my heart I believe it."
Al you never cease to impress me. You share something so personal with us and cause us to reflect on what is most important in our life.

Thank you for sharing.
This is the first I've heard of this, Doc, and I'm deeply sorry for your loss. What a nice gesture from Stoneman!

Thanks very much, Doc, for the birthday wishes, on a day when you have so much else to think about. You're truly a great friend!


Al, thank you for the reminder. All too often we consider our family, friends and even our health as an entitlement. We need reminders from time to time that they are blessings sent to us by the grace of God.

I was so sorry to read about the loss of your daughter. I lost a daughter at 15 yrs old due to cancer, so I have a feeling of your loss and pain. Our prayers are with you are your family. That is a beautiful piece for a memorial.
A truly beautiful stone as a rememberance to your daughter and your Dog.
You can rest assured that they are walking together and taking care of each other in heaven. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Al, that is a beautiful memorial. There is something comforting about holding a cool smooth stone in your hands. You and your family are in my thoughts.
I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to go through something like that. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
My thoughts are with you tonite, as I am also a bereaved parent I can actually tell you I feel your pain, and hope that you find peace, you will not get over the loss of a child, but you can get through it.
My wife and I appreciate all of the kind words.

On Wednesday night we received a phone call from our daughter's old boyfriend. He had driven the two hours from the University of Georgia to visit the cemetery. He then came by the house and spent a couple of hours with my wife and I. Jeff was with her the day of the accident. He just couldn't get to her in time. As you can imagine, he still carries a lot of guilt

I'm not the only one in IAP who has lost a child. There are at least several others who are going through the same pain. It's like a club that you don't want to belong to.

Stoneman does beautiful work. The stone is actually a beautiful green color with a smooth, warm feel to it.

Again, thanks to all of you.
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