Red vinyl and aluminum segment in spalted water oak

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Sep 15, 2010
Woodstock, Ga. U.S.A.

I found some aluminum flashing at work a while back. I also found a red vinyl keytag that came with someone's riding mower. I eyeballed everything on this pen, and the results speak to it. Since I quit smoking, I'm having a bear of a time with fit and finish. Probably because I no longer stop, go upstairs, kill a few minutes and head back into the shop with a clear head.
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I like the aluminum and vinyl. Like you say, the fit/finish isn't great, but that is just some more patience.

Good luck on quitting.
I have a couple friends going through the same thing right now.

We get together to paint on a fiarly regular basis, and they have been really struggling with that as well. Getting your focus back is hard, but quitting is definately worth it.
I totally spaced on mentioning this. I do plan on finding more of these vinyl keytags, and using like 4 different colors or just one color to make the celtic style knots. I've been wanting to see how well it would work, and maybe with a more experienced hand, I can make something happen. I just have to find more of the keytags.
I am coming up on my 1 year aniversary of being a non-smoker. After about 40 years of smoking I gave it up cold turkey after my Dr. found a spot on my right lung. Real strong motivator. Turned out to be stage 1a cancer. I was lucky because it was caught early and the onlything I lost was a lobe of my lung. I'm doing fine and believe in my heart they got all of it. All I'm doing now is seeing an Oncologist for regular checkups. Why am I saying all of this, well I guess cause I hope that it will keep you and anyone else motivated on your quest. Smoking is BAD!! As to your focus it will get better I promise. Just keep focused on quitting and if you get the urge to smoke and feel like you need to vent feel free to PM me. By the way the fit and finish on the pen looks pretty good. I like the concept of the vinyl and aluminum. Good Luck

I am coming up on my 1 year aniversary of being a non-smoker. After about 40 years of smoking I gave it up cold turkey after my Dr. found a spot on my right lung. Real strong motivator. Turned out to be stage 1a cancer. I was lucky because it was caught early and the onlything I lost was a lobe of my lung. I'm doing fine and believe in my heart they got all of it. All I'm doing now is seeing an Oncologist for regular checkups. Why am I saying all of this, well I guess cause I hope that it will keep you and anyone else motivated on your quest. Smoking is BAD!! As to your focus it will get better I promise. Just keep focused on quitting and if you get the urge to smoke and feel like you need to vent feel free to PM me. By the way the fit and finish on the pen looks pretty good. I like the concept of the vinyl and aluminum. Good Luck


Again, much appreciated. I'm currently working through my last couple weeks of nicotine gum. I quit drinking and loading up on painkillers cold turkey. Kinda tired of cold turkey at this point.
I was wondering what sort of tool you used to turn the aluminum? Have'nt tried metal yet but I've bee thinking about doing so.

Thats a nice looking inlay. I think I would have put it on a less busy looking piece of wood so the inlay would stand out more.
I'd love to see a Celtic done like that.
I was wondering what sort of tool you used to turn the aluminum? Have'nt tried metal yet but I've bee thinking about doing so.


As long as the area of aluminum is relatively small, regular tools will do it. They may just dull up a bit faster. I used my regular wood gouge and it went fine.
Thats a nice looking inlay. I think I would have put it on a less busy looking piece of wood so the inlay would stand out more.
I'd love to see a Celtic done like that.

I plan on us doing a knot as soon as I can find a source for the keytags. I'd been talking about trying it for so long, and the inspiration to pull the trigger on it struck as I was cutting the blank on the saw. Snap decision. I tried to cut it just wide enough for the vinyl, it wound up too wide and kinda lopsided, so I had to even the cut. Wound up being a good fit for the aluminum.
I am coming up on my 1 year aniversary of being a non-smoker. After about 40 years of smoking I gave it up cold turkey after my Dr. found a spot on my right lung. Real strong motivator. Turned out to be stage 1a cancer. I was lucky because it was caught early and the onlything I lost was a lobe of my lung. I'm doing fine and believe in my heart they got all of it. All I'm doing now is seeing an Oncologist for regular checkups. Why am I saying all of this, well I guess cause I hope that it will keep you and anyone else motivated on your quest. Smoking is BAD!! As to your focus it will get better I promise. Just keep focused on quitting and if you get the urge to smoke and feel like you need to vent feel free to PM me. By the way the fit and finish on the pen looks pretty good. I like the concept of the vinyl and aluminum. Good Luck


Again, much appreciated. I'm currently working through my last couple weeks of nicotine gum. I quit drinking and loading up on painkillers cold turkey. Kinda tired of cold turkey at this point.

I don't thing that I/we have ever done anything as difficult as to stop smocking and stick with the decision. We were a 1x 50 cigarette pack a day EACH in a good day, a bad one will see us go through at least 150 cigarettes in a day...!

Sure, our days were about 20 hours of waking time , 7 days a week all year round, as we worked together. Stopping was a hard decision but nothing compared with the keeping away from smoking. My wife was smart than me from the beginning and she got some medical assistance for the times ahead, while me, the mister strong minded and all powerful, did decided that after stopping cold turkey, I wouldn't need anything to help me out...!:eek:

Wrong decision...! on the third week I was crawling walls and no one, I mean no one, could talk to me, I got so depressed that I even could feel that it all was a lot more than I was capable to handle so, I finally decided to go and see my doctor about it.

I got the "works" from the Doctor in all respects and no doubt, the medication and all the stuff I was on, was a lot more costly than the smokes themselves but, I had one advantage, there is, the wife and I we decided to take this road and we had each other to rely on and prove to so, it kinda kept us focussed to not disappoint each other.

This "saga" started on the 18 October 2003 and it was a tough road to travel for at least 12 months but, we manage to keep away from smoking since...!:wink:
While some people will develop a negative reaction to the smell of nicotine and keep away from anyone smoking, we (yes, wife and I) tend to get closer to those smoking, as we still enjoy the smell of it...!:eek:

Not a good thing and in fact, a sign that we could at any time start smoking and enjoy it as much as before so, the self will power required from us is considerable...!:frown:

The point is, we all react differently to the "stop smoking", cold turkey or not but, there are a few symptoms that are "common" to all of those in this category. I don't need to name each one of then individually but, take my word on this, get as much info and help you can, if you are trying to give up smoking. Take no short cuts and use all the available services (mostly free), to help you out, you will be glad if you do...!

Good luck...!

I quit smoking because my girl friend, now wife said she did not like kissing an ashtray. As with everything else I have quit it had nothing to do with health or good common sense it was because of a woman. In my defense she is hot. as observed by one of my eighth grade students last week. Man, I was a &itch for about two weeks and I still want a smoke every day. I quit over 12 years ago. After the frustrating day I have had lighting up would be nice. I think the only thing keeping me from doing it is the ass whipping I would get when I got home.

Good luck
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