Ready to Retire

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Apr 29, 2010
Regina SK
Hello All,
I have a few more years left in me till I am going to pull the pin and retire. I have been working with wood most of my life as a hobby and must say I am very excited about getting into turning wood. I am an avid hunter and plan to do some calls, but the pen thing really has me wound up. As a business executive I have appreciated some fine writing instruments over the years and from what I see on different sites there seems to be an opportunity for a guy to make a few dollars providing he does "quality" work. I also get to buy a bunch of new tools which is "OUTSTANDING", although the Mrs. may not agree. That being said and as most of us 30yr plus married guys will know, "It is always better to ask for forgiveness, than permission". I look fwd to conversing with you all. Take Care.. :)
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Are you sure you've been married for 30+ years? I've only been married about 12 years and have learned that there really isn't a good way to tell your wife you need more tools - either before or after you get them.

Good luck in your retirement...
Welcome wylie1, Some years ago I got wound up on pens, bought new tools and now have regular forgiveness sessions with the Mrs., but hey it all works out. Have fun!
Welcome to the forum. I have a few years on you in the married catagory (43 years this year) but I have NEVER bought anything without my wifes perimssion, NEVER! But that is going to change shortly. I am going to walk into a certain store soon and say put thatlathe in the back of my truck, I'm take'n her home. I already have a good lathe but want a better one. Can't wait to see the look on her face.... pray for me....please....
Welcome from sunny southern California!

Below are links to two threads/articles that have lots of information on pen turning. The first one is a very basic overview of the many aspects of getting into turning pens.

This link has postings by different pen turners and what they wish they had known earlier:

Here is another link - a PDF on the acronyms used here. I am sure you know many but this will help with those you don't.
How to get grace

I always time my purchases to fall right after the wife has just spent money on her quilting hobby. I am so glad she loves quilting. I would not have near the number of goodies I have if she did not quilt!
Welcome to the forum. I have a few years on you in the married catagory (43 years this year) but I have NEVER bought anything without my wifes perimssion, NEVER! But that is going to change shortly. I am going to walk into a certain store soon and say put thatlathe in the back of my truck, I'm take'n her home. I already have a good lathe but want a better one. Can't wait to see the look on her face.... pray for me....please....

Paul that made me laugh. I have a combination of ways. We discuss what we could use etc. I order it, then more stuff on top of that. One trick I normally use is, "Hey I bought this for you." LOL! Most of the time I am not in the fire. And since I am the one doing the budget, as long as the bills get paid I don't catch too much flack, especially since she is turning too.
Welcome to the forum. I have a few years on you in the married catagory (43 years this year) but I have NEVER bought anything without my wifes perimssion, NEVER! But that is going to change shortly. I am going to walk into a certain store soon and say put thatlathe in the back of my truck, I'm take'n her home. I already have a good lathe but want a better one. Can't wait to see the look on her face.... pray for me....please....

Paul, you my friend are a very brave man:biggrin:
Welcome, hmmm whats a "wife"? I retired at 44, been working harder than when I punched someone elses clock :befuddled:
Welcome from London, England. I have always disobayed my wife over 43 years of marraige and carry the scars to prove it!! :beat-up::beat-up:

well, welcome. For being married for 27 yrs. I can tell you few tricks. this is how you justify. we don't spend on make ups specially foundations eye lashes and allthe other good stuff. Plus when you really count we don't buy expensive purses and shoes and surely don't have 500 pairs on them, so here is the excuse. But, and a Big Butt at that when it comes down to it you better be darn sure that your dog house is indeed your shop and not the dog house for real, because you may find yourself sleeping and living in the other dog house and the Mutt ending up sleeping on your bed. and did I add that the Mutt will do roll over and won't ask for too much. and if it comes done to it, he will lcik the bowl too. :tongue::party::rotfl:Oh the last advise you better:worship: the purse that she keeps her money in too.
Now that you LOL , then it's time to make some pens. too much of good thing can be hazardous to your health.
hi all

I'll be retiring too soon it seems, sooner than expected for me. the governor of NJ is hacking away at my benefits and if i stay much longer I'll lose what i got after 30+ yrs.
So, i always wanted a lathe, couldn't justify it for home repair, but now I went and did it,(told her it's my father's day gift to me :):):):):) got a jet 1014, ordered the starter kit from penn state. hoping to try my hand at craft shows and whatnot.
So hello from NJ's newest pen turner.
Any tips or advise welcome,
Welcome aboard and good luck with the tool purchases... Get her into it and you will never need to explain another tool purchase again. :)
Welcome to the IAP. I wasn't quite ready to retire, but got retired anyway and am now loving it. What I do miss is having any free time. My wife loves Craft Shows so we do Pens, wood crafts, furniture, caining , etc. I've been pretty fortunate on the tool acquisition... My wife see's something she wants me to make, and I simply tell her "I don't have the right tool to make that". Some day she'll catch on to me, but by then I hope to have a pretty well equipped shop.
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