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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
I spent some time talking to Gary Max this morning. He wants to contribute to the Bash, and suggested a raffle to raise money for the site. Given the economy, many members likely will feel comfortable with smaller cash contributions.

I gave him the go ahead to start it on Sunday. I will collect all funds as in past raffles and then send Jeff a check. If the raffle seems to take off, we might offer a few others prizes.
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Just me ... but I'd hate to see another raffle going on while Jeff is running the big one for the site. Couldn't we have Gary do this later ... like when people are having the Post-Bash Blues?
Just me ... but I'd hate to see another raffle going on while Jeff is running the big one for the site. Couldn't we have Gary do this later ... like when people are having the Post-Bash Blues?

I agree. I think NOW is the time for IAP and everyone loves Jeffs donation drawing. I don't think we need anyone feeling obligated or guilty by not participating or by having to choose one or the other. I think if we wait and let Gary do his later (March or later maybe) then we will get more bang for our buck for IAP. Hopefully people will have their tax returns back by then and will want to contribute. I say we wait but let Gary know how appreciative we are for him wanting to do this.
What if someone can't afford $25 or $50 for Jeff's raffle but could put in $5 to buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win something? I think if you tell people not to hold raffles you are limiting the funds that can be put into the IAP. Isn't that what this bash is really about, raising money for the year?
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