Question about fountain nibs

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Mar 8, 2007
Portland, ME, USA.
I have a customer who purchased a fountain pen and wanted a broad nib. So, I got a broad nib for him and installed it. It was a baron, thus the smaller #5 nib. Since then, he purchased another fountain pen from me but he says the broad nib wasn't broad enough and he wants an even broader nib for both of them. If a #5 broad nib isn't broad enough, what are my options? A calligraphy nib isn't going to write the same way, so I don't think that would work. Is it possible to grind a broad nib so that it's
Depending on how generous the tipping material is, it may be possible to grind a little extra width from a broad nib, but nib grinding is not cheap. Check with whoever supplied your nib first. Send me a note if you can't get what you need from the supplier.
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