Purple Rose~

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Good to see you back in here and inspiring the troops Toni! Welcome back, and I as mentioned on FB yesterday:
" YAY!!! And what a beauty it is as well Toni. Absolutely lovely!"
You still got it girl. Now go figure out how to enter the contest!! Find someone with a lathe in Northern NJ!!! You can do it (just not in my category please)
That pen can bring tears to your eyes in beauty. It's like looking into it's own little world.

Completely amazing, when you are up and running I might have to commission you to make me a blank in a fire and ice rose for the wife for christmas.
Toni- We have not met yet in that I am a new turner (Nov 2010) but I had seen pictures of some of your work. So glad you are back and look forward in your input here on the forum AND hopefully being able to buy some of those BEAUTIFUL blanks.:bashful:
Glad to hear that you finally got your stuff back. Killer pen (color blind so I cand say much about the colors)
Hope you can get back to some sort of normal. I dont know if I would be able to wait 3 months for my stuff to be shipped.

Cant wait to see more of your work as you get back into the swing.
Toni, as usual absolutely beautiful. I do wish you would tell us about your method of photography as the pictures of the pens are also awesome.

Absolutely gorgeous blank. LOML just looked at your pen and said that she would like a Sierra style pen with that beautiful blank on it. :eek: She never asks for a particular blanks so I am happy that if I can find a blank I can actually make a pen for her that she will like and show off your work. Now get to work please we are all waiting.:cool::biggrin:
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