Post bash analysis and constructive criticism

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
Folks, I wanted to write down some thoughts/constructive criticism for this year's bash so we can keep it on record for next year. Please note, I am not criticizing anyone in specific so if this applies to you, please don't take it personal. Just some thoughts to consider for next year.

I think the prizes need to be published much sooner. In some cases, the prizes were never published to my knowledge. The photo contest, for example... I don't see anywhere where they were ever published. I know I posted a thread asking folks to participate and someone commented that they did not even know what they were competing for.

Traditionally, that role is handled by the contest chair. In this year's photo contest, Todd stepped to the plate and took over when I decided to sponsor the contest at the last minute so I can certainly not fault him for this. Really, I am not trying to find fault with anyone, just an observation for the future.

I think we need to set the cut-off date for accepting prizes much earlier in the month so that the allocation folks have time. I know this year, some prizes were still coming in a day before the bash began (Yes, I am guilty myself!). That does not leave enough time for the allocation team to get it all sorted out before the bash begins.

I think it is REAL important to have the prizes listed with the initial contest announcement. Speaking very selfishly as a sponsor, I did not get any publicity in way of what I donated for my sponsorship. The membership does not know if I donated $20 worth of prizes or $1000. Don't get me wrong, I am not upset about this and hold no bad feelings of any kind. However, if I was one of the other vendors such as Berea (just choosing one at random, I have no idea if theirs was announced) and the prizes were not announced at all or were done at a later date, I think I might re-consider sponsoring next year. I might would get more bang for my buck by just donating individual prizes.

Again, PLEASE don't think I am singling out anyone or upset with anyone. I just thought I would mention my thoughts to help improve for next year.
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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
Just for grins, I took at look at all the contest to see how prominent the list of prizes was. Here is what I found:

  • Trivia--no prizes listed at all
  • Russ Fairfield--No prizes listed in initial post. Prizes listed in post #35 of the initial announcement thread.
  • Berea--Prizes listed in initial announcement
  • Classic Nib Wood ID--Prizes listed in initial thread
  • Exotic Blanks--No prizes listed in initial post. Prizes listed in post #20 of the initial announcement thread.
  • R and B--Prizes listed in initial announcement
  • Smitty's--Prizes listed in initial announcement
  • TurnTex--No prizes listed at all
  • Youth---No prizes listed in initial post. Prizes listed in post #7 of the initial announcement thread.
  • Casting--Prizes listed in initial announcements
  • Modified Pen--No prizes listed in initial post. Prizes listed in post #11 of the initial announcement thread.
  • Almost Daily Puzzler--No prizes listed in initial announcement. Prizes listed in separate, new thread.
  • Creative Mug Shots--No prizes listed at all
  • Edible Pen--Prizes listed in initial announcement
  • Match the Shop--No prizes listed in initial post. Prizes listed in post #11 of the initial announcement thread.
I personally think, even in the thread where the prizes were listed in the initial post, that the prizes need to be at the very top of the post to give the donors better exposure and help keep them coming back.

The best way to solve this, in my opinion, is to make an absolute deadline of say, January 15th for donors to get their prizes in. This should give enough time for the prize allocation folks to do their thing and get the info to the contest chairs (I am speculating here, not sure how much time they need). Then, have guidelines for how to announce each contest that is given to the contest chairs well in advance which includes prominently showing the prizes and giving proper thanks. (Some of the ones that did show prizes in the initial post did not give any thanks to the donors, they just listed the prizes). Possibly post a master list of contests in a central location, what places are available to win, the prize for each place, and the donor of the prize. The name of the contest could even be linked to the contest forum itself.

Again, this is all post bash analysis and is not meant to pick on anyone at all. Like they say, hindsight is always 20/20 but if we keep some of this in mind for next year, it could help improve not only participation, but possibly donations as well.
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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH

When do you sleep?

Good comments! I am planning to run some polls. I have a list of poll questions to ask. I think that only one (maybe two) poll should be posted at time so as not to overwhelm people with too many requests for information at once. Agree or disagree? On the other hand we want to catch people when their mind is still in BASH mode.

I don't want to keep leaning on you guys but I'd like to run the poll questions past you guys before posting them. The way a question is worded is very important to getting an honest, legitimate answer.


Jun 1, 2007
Sturtevant WI, USA.
I have never chaired a contest (I'm not a gluten for that much punishment!) But I can see where with all of the details of running a contest that some things might get overlooked or an omission cloned from a prior year.

Would it be helpful to the chairs to have some sort of universal Bash Contest Check List? It could be put up here in planning and then be carried over /tweaked from year to year.... Much like what we hope to do with Curtis's stats?
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IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
We had several small prizes donated after the Bash had started. We did not turn any of them down because they were late to the party. Its the large prizes that throw a wrench in assignments if they come in late. We knew yours would be forthcoming and had already made provisions for that.

I dont remember getting or seeing a list of Vendor Sponsered prizes for the contests they were sponsering. If Berea ( for example) ever posted or commited to product, gift cards or if they did more than the minimum requirements.
We were a little late in getting the prizes posted this year, more so than I wanted. It would be easy enough to post the value in the Original thread the prizes for Vendor sponsored events. I saw that comment on We dont know what we are competing for. My first thought was "what difference does it make what your competing for". If he didnt like the prize would he not join in?

A template either for each contest or even a template for all contests would be a good Ideal. Say one template for all contests like the legal disclaimers on tv. And then a template that includes that info for each contest. That way any year you get a new chair for a contest you can have them fill in the blanks. Or in some cases just repost the contest rules.


Dec 7, 2008
Grand Rapids, Mi
Definitely agree in getting the prizes assigned to the contests sooner. That was the one thing missing when starting my contest which is why it was buried down in the thread.
I think it is also important to state the prizes over and over again with each new thread started in a contest. More exposure for the donors and more excitement hopefully for the participants.


Feb 6, 2010
Feeding Hills MA
I can take the heat for not posting the prizes, to be honest, it was a detail that slipped my mind. I popped in late in the game, and while I figured it would be a bit of work, it was way more than I had planned, and it wasn't even one of the more active contests (can't imagine the trivia or other daily contests!!! I agree that they should be listed right off the bat with the contest announcement. I think getting it right out there is best for the vendors publicity and for the entrants to know what they are in for. Might be different for the frequent contests, as their,list of prizes is much larger, but my memory from last year was they did a great job of listing the prizes as they were awarded...

Curtis, accept my apologies for not posting what your prizes and chalk it up to a newbie learning the ropes.


Jun 1, 2007
Sturtevant WI, USA.
Todd, there is nothing to be sorry for! LOL we go thru this every year...every year we vow to do better. But it just never happens.

Andrew does a marvelous job with prizes IMHO. But there will always be late comers. Its human nature. Many contributors just don't think of the bash ahead of time...even when emailed (several times) by Andrew. Not until the Bash starts to build a head of steam does it sink in... and prizes suddenly show up. And we certainly don't want to turn prizes away! IIRC even within the management we were adding sponsored prizes on the 27th of Jan (, and publicly later still (Last call was on the 29th IIRC) Andrew was still adding to his prize thread on the the 28th ( ...and also probably after!

That means that Mike R and and the allocation team had very little time to sort thru the 100-200 odd prizes with his spreadsheet magic and forward it to the contest chairs. (A task made even more difficult this year because of some additional moving sponsorships, Constant, new contests etc)

If you had a contest starting the first week of Feb, odds were not in your favour (as a chair) to post the prizes in the contest rules announcement. And since the chairs do not have Mod privileges, they had also had no choice but to post the prizes in the body of the contest.

Having watched this process now for a few years, I think that its is safe to say that we can say we want it prizes in on the 15th all we want...but realistically it just ain't happenin'. IMO the best we can do is to find mechanisms to help ease the process of catering to human nature.

Sponsorships are certainly one of those processes that will help in the long run. Starting non-sponsored (prized) contests later in the month are another. Giving chairs mod privileges to edit..or having a mod responsible to the chairs to edit their threads on request may be yet another. But I think that the greatest single thing that we can do in the Bash committee is simply to get our own house in order. There were (and always seem to be) way too many things that we (as managers) leave to the last minute. I am not talking prizes here, but rather other things. Although certainly very worthy projects, things like brainstorming new contests to contest entry forms were still being hurriedly brought up on the 27th thrown together on the 31st. This adds to the to the general level of frenzy, saps time and resources and does not aid with handling those things that we know are impervious to change.... FWIW
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IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
Adding the prizes to the origianal thead would be great. However the downside is many members go to the latest thread posted not the latest one amended. So it may be better at that point to both add them to the original post and leave it in the latest post of the thread.
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