Poor Man’s Scrimshaw

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Feb 15, 2019
Hi all, been a while since I posted. My basement shop (and pretty much everything else down there and on the main floor of the house) had to be rebuilt due to some very extensive water damage from a decade old roof leak that manifested itself by rotting out the front wall! There's nothing quite as exciting as watching water pour from your ceiling and walls, I'll promise you that. Anyway, things are back up and running and I've been able to do some pen work.

I've always been a big fan of scrimshaw and have long wanted to use that art form on a pen. However, as I lack artistic talent much beyond stick figures and emojis, I decided to cheat a little. This is faux ivory with a stock vector image of a ship that I transferred onto the blank using "film free" decals. I'd never used this kind of decal before and it's a bit of a process but I really like the final result. You essentially wind up transferring only the toner to the blank. Once the last of the film has been removed you have to bake it (I used a heat gun) and it's relatively tough but it's not fond of CA in it's raw form. Since this was a resin blank, I just used clear Krylon acrylic and sanded it down with micro mesh.

Hope you all like it.



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Very nice! I like the artwork. Looks great on that blank, which is also really incredible, BTW. I don't think I've ever seen that faux ivory before, but it looks great.
Very nice! I like the artwork. Looks great on that blank, which is also really incredible, BTW. I don't think I've ever seen that faux ivory before, but it looks great.
Thanks. The blank came from a place called Guitar Parts and More. It's made by Dave Warther and Company.
Awesome piece! I would like to try that, in a few months when my shows are over. Keep showing your work like this!
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