Poll pictures

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Ed McDonnell

Oct 20, 2008
Melbourne, FL
How do you insert a picture as an option (instead of text) in a poll (you are not alone Todd!!)? I was hoping Todd would get the answer when he asked, but I suspect people didn't notice his question where he asked it. So I'm asking again for the both of us.

I tried using the img tags and inserted the url I copied from one of the pictures in my "here are the pictures" thread. When I post the poll I get a message saying poll options can't be more than 100 characters. Unfortunately, the url I am capturing is longer. It looks like this (with some spaces added to allow the text to display here instead of the picture).

[ img]h t t p://w ww.penturners.org/forum/attachments/f260/109330d1392258678-4th-annual-rfmmsc-entry-pictures-01_1.jpg[ /img]

If I put the pictures on my own server I will have a much shorter URL, but then if I ever change servers the links will go dead here.


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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
When I do the poll for e Featured Pen Contest all of those photos are in the Featured Photos Album. I go to the picture I want and copy the IMG tag (next to last line of the Information Section) ad paste it into the poll selection box.

For other contests I do, such as CCC or Mug Shots I make a separate post for each choice and the actual voting choices are labeled #1, #2, Etc. Here is last years Creative Mug Shots Poll. I just find this easier than trying to fight with IMG tags that are not already on the IAP server.


Feb 6, 2010
Feeding Hills MA
When I do the poll for e Featured Pen Contest all of those photos are in the Featured Photos Album. I go to the picture I want and copy the IMG tag (next to last line of the Information Section) ad paste it into the poll selection box.

For other contests I do, such as CCC or Mug Shots I make a separate post for each choice and the actual voting choices are labeled #1, #2, Etc. Here is last years Creative Mug Shots Poll. I just find this easier than trying to fight with IMG tags that are not already on the IAP server.


Might I suggest labeling those choices "Number 1" and "Numero Dos"!!!:biggrin::bulgy-eyes::biggrin::bulgy-eyes::biggrin::bulgy-eyes::biggrin::bulgy-eyes::biggrin:

HAYYYYYYY!!!! Why did it (#'s) work for you last year??? I'm getting a definite red-headed-stepchild feeling here...:biggrin:
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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Probably because that was all prior to the Al-Qaeda attack on the site which led to the security enhancements.
#MessWithTodd, #RedHeadedStepChild


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Or maybe not.......................I just went to the CCC Contest, which was posted this year. Notice the selections. I don't understand why computers do what they do!!

Ed McDonnell

Oct 20, 2008
Melbourne, FL
When I do the poll for e Featured Pen Contest all of those photos are in the Featured Photos Album. I go to the picture I want and copy the IMG tag (next to last line of the Information Section) ad paste it into the poll selection box.

For other contests I do, such as CCC or Mug Shots I make a separate post for each choice and the actual voting choices are labeled #1, #2, Etc. Here is last years Creative Mug Shots Poll. I just find this easier than trying to fight with IMG tags that are not already on the IAP server.

Thanks Mike - I guess I could make it work if I put the poll pictures in my photo album, but then the pictures would be visible to the membership as soon as they hit my album. Those who don't want any pictures shown before a contest ends would have a hissy fit (if I tried to prepare my poll in advance, which is what I want to do).

I think your second solution is the way I will go. I'll just skip the pictures next to the voting checkboxes and use short labels (e.g. #1, #2...). This will also have the added benefit of avoiding a whine from the official forum bug reporter about the how the voting check box lines up with the bottom of the voting picture instead of the middle.



IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
This will also have the added benefit of avoiding a whine from the official forum bug reporter about the how the voting check box lines up with the bottom of the voting picture instead of the middle.


I believe his description of the voting check box is "radial button". :tongue:
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