Polar opposites

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May 18, 2014
Richmond, Va
One of the things that I love about pen making is that I can make two totally different pens and like them both. The first pen is a very elegant Wall Street II made with a Brook's blank. The blank has pearlescence that I cannot capture with my photography. Any thoughts on how to capture those highlights?

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The second pen is a complete opposite and was made from a piece of grapevine pruned from my grapes. I used the grapevine and made a modified slimline with osage orange center band and finial. This pen is far from elegant but yet appeals to me.

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I also finished a Pheasant feather blank on a Wall Street II elegant.

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This photo captures the Brooks blank better.

Most excellent!

Great job on all three Cody! About the only way to screw up a Brooks Blanks is to NOT turn it!

Your grapevine pen appeals to me as well. It's just such an unusual wood to use.

Thumbs up!:)
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