Plum Crazy Buckeyes

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Available HERE

These Blanks are made with real Buckeyes embedded in Alumilire, tinted with "Plum Crazy Purple" mica powder. The actual blanks are darker than pictured. I re-shot and messed with the photos for several hours to get the color right but finally gave up. :( The photos show all four sides of the blanks.


These are difficult blanks to turn. If you are not familiar with turning embedded object pen blanks I suggest you watch this video by Ed Brown, Exotic Blanks. Thanks for looking, and a very happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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Very nice. I remember when growing up in Prospect, OH I would go to the park and pick them up by the bucket full. Unfortunately, they have cut them all down now. Love the blanks.
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