Platinum Olympia x2

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Oct 13, 2004
Oregon, USA.
A platinum Olympia From BB and the AA is from the early December special at the Wood Bin. I really like this kit, the clip is incredibly strong and the finished pen has a nice balance. The top/cap was shortened .25". I'm still exploring lower barrel shapes but think that this one is close.


Another Oly, spalted tamarin (stabilized) from BB


thanks for lookin'

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Beautiful job on two new "instant" classics from our friends at Arizona Silhouette. I love the spalted tamarind. BTW, I have another line, not from Heinlein but still clever. "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff."
Thanks guys for all the comments. Yes, this is a fairly new kit, if this works here's a link. The Olympia is about 1/2 way down the page. Note that there is also a new kit that resembles the Jr Gent, the Baron.

Tom and Gregory...regarding the clip on the Olympia, it's a sturdy sucker[:D]! It doesn't come apart like the woodcraft coil spring/screw setup, it has a leaf spring and does not dissassemble.

Lou... I need a presidential proclamation! Is it Tamarin or Tamarind[?] I've seen it both ways. Well, I went and found the dictionary. Tamarin is a monkey... lol. Tamarind is an Asian evergreen tree. No monkeys were harmed in the making of that pen. At my house I'm the staff for ALL the critters both cats and dogs. Heinlein has some great quotes...

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