PITH From Curly

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
When I joined IAP in 2012 and began to read threads to get advice, hints and basic suggestions as a newbie there were a few members who I would click on their posts irregardless of the topic, as I had the probability to get a hidden nugget of experience and knowledge "free of charge." Curly was one of them, and remains to this day!

In the pre 2020 BASH PITH sign-up, I was paired up with Pete (Curly), and was beyond ecstatic. I have several pens from IAP members whom I greatly admire, and to add a pen from Pete would be a great thrill. And now it arrived!

The Amboyna Burl is beautiful and a timber that I have used, love, and feel is one of the "King Burls." The finish is perfect, and survived the transport from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada in perfect shape (I always worry when variations in temp/humidity may affect finishes, but no worries here).

A final treat: the kit is an Imperial, which I have admired from afar for many years - I never pulled the plug. I will probably turn a desk pen holder for this pen as it is deserving!

Thanks Pete.

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"Aw shucks Mark." He said red faced and digging a little hole in the ground with his toe. Thanks for the praise.
I tried to kill two birds with one stone and submitted it in the Pretty Wood Pen contest but my pictures weren't as nice as yours. Next time I'll get you to take the pictures and get closer to a win. ;)
I've had it for so many years I don't remember where I got it. I think it was William Wood-Write but he doesn't have them anymore. Exotics have them.
That's a beautiful pen. Where does someone find an Imperial pen kit?

"Aw shucks Mark." He said red faced and digging a little hole in the ground with his toe. Thanks for the praise.
I tried to kill two birds with one stone and submitted it in the Pretty Wood Pen contest but my pictures weren't as nice as yours. Next time I'll get you to take the pictures and get closer to a win. ;)

I'll happily take pictures. 🤫 Mine are not great, but not bad.

I remember a thread or comment from an "IAP old timer" who had many, many wonderful and insightful posts. He never posted a photo of a pen and someone asked him about that. He said his pens were as good as those posted, but he had no interest, skills or equipment in photography, and he simply could not submit a photo that would adequately represent his pen. I truly suspect his pens were excellent, and I understand the thought that if you have no interest in photography, your pens would be displayed at a great disadvantage. Just a random comment...

BTW: Your pen is awesome Pete!
I've had it for so many years I don't remember where I got it. I think it was William Wood-Write but he doesn't have them anymore. Exotics have them.
Pete that is my favorite kit. I bought a few from Exotics and love them. Nice job with that one too. Good match timber and kit.

Thanks for the info Chad.
That is a really cool pen. Good match between kit and blank.

BUT....... what the heck does the word 'irregardless' mean....???? :rolleyes:
That is a really cool pen. Good match between kit and blank.

BUT....... what the heck does the word 'irregardless' mean....???? :rolleyes:
For you Skip:)

Is it correct to say irregardless?
Irregardless is a nonstandard synonym for regardless, which means "without concern as to advice, warning, or hardship," or "heedless." Its nonstandard status is due to the double negative construction of the prefix ir- with the suffix -less. ... The bottom line is that irregardless is indeed a word, albeit a clunky one.
Irregardless is a nonstandard synonym for regardless, which means "without concern as to advice, warning, or hardship," or "heedless." Its nonstandard status is due to the double negative construction of the prefix ir- with the suffix -less. ... The bottom line is that irregardless is indeed a word, albeit a clunky one.

Pensmanship is not the only thing you learn here.
Haha..... ok JT.....I'm not going to argue with you. ;)
If I had to correct every wrongly used word by my Amercanese buddies, I'd be here for years...:rolleyes::D

It's probably time us two old farts got back in our caves and actually made something..;)
For you Skip:)

Is it correct to say irregardless?
Irregardless is a nonstandard synonym for regardless, which means "without concern as to advice, warning, or hardship," or "heedless." Its nonstandard status is due to the double negative construction of the prefix ir- with the suffix -less. ... The bottom line is that irregardless is indeed a word, albeit a clunky one.
Haha..... ok JT.....I'm not going to argue with you. ;)
If I had to correct every wrongly used word by my Amercanese buddies, I'd be here for years...:rolleyes::D

It's probably time us two old farts got back in our caves and actually made something..;)

Please don't "Go back to the caves"!!! I'm an old fart too but I just started this venture so I'm relying on the really "Old Farts" to keep us younger old farts inundated with info.;)
Haha..... ok JT.....I'm not going to argue with you. ;)
If I had to correct every wrongly used word by my Amercanese buddies, I'd be here for years...:rolleyes::D

It's probably time us two old farts got back in our caves and actually made something..;)
Oh how I would love to do just that. If this back of mine would just let me do that. I was just getting started too.
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