Phoenix Woodworking Show Nov 11-13

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Originally posted by alamocdc
<br />WestWorld? Isn't that the place that has Ule Brenner look alike gun fighter robots that go berserk and kill people? [:p]

Yep, I think Itchy and Scratchyland is there to. [:D]
I was sent from Guan to attend a seminar in Phoenix once (summer of 1996). My nose started bleeding after the 2nd day and never stopped (whenever I am outside) the whole week that I stayed there. Good thing the Phoenician have good rooms.

I even tried to go out at midnight to swim and the pool is too hot for me. Would have been great since Nancy Kerrigan was there :D.

Only way for me to get cold bath is to fill the tub at night and let the A/C cool it down...tap "cold" water is hotter than my water heater is set right now! LOL

You guys are much tougher than me. [;)]
I just went to the Chicagoland show and was disappointed. Not much stuff for penturning anymore. All around the show was smaller than usuall and not anything new and unique.
Originally posted by PenWorks
<br />Thanks for the info Paul, It's been several years since I attended one, and left with the same impression.

The show in Chantilly, VA (DC) was great except the day I was there they lost power to the PA systems and all the hawkers really had to yell their pitch. Be sure to save your money and visit the CSU booth and get their show discount!

Bad timing!
I'll be in the Phx. area that weekend (Avondale) but, I'll be at the race track.
Cup racin dont ya know.
Oh well. Guess you see where my priorities lie.
Hope you all have a GREAT time I know I will.
Wish I could be there.
The show was definately worth going to. Fairly crowded for a Friday, must be because of the holiday. they got plenty of my money today, they should have validated my parking [:D] I think it caught some of the venders by surprise. They were all ready selling out of stock on some of their specials and telling folks they would mail the stuff to them.
Lots of good demos going on, not much turning, but there is some, CS was there, had to beg a little to get a new catalog. Should be real crowded Saturday. Big dog show going on to next door in the field. REAL BIG. I was watching some dogs take a running jump of about 20' into a pool to get their toy.
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