Pen Stand Competition

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Mar 7, 2011
Columbiana, Alabama
Pen Stand Competition



Welcome to the IAP BASH and the Pen Stand competition for 2015.

This contest is geared towards all IAP members with the basic goals of being creative and encouraging good sportsmanship.

Winners will be determined by posted poll of the members popular vote.

The final poll will be posted and the voting results will become public at that time.

The Universal Contest Rules apply unless otherwise stated

The Rules:
1) The stand must be made by you (the person entering the contest) from raw materials.

2) There are no restrictions on tools or techniques. Only material that is available to all turners qualifies ex. Wood and acrylic……
3) It is intended that you make a pen stand specifically for this contest. Your pen stand can not have been shown in any form in any way (on the web, in a catalog, at a meeting, whatever) before the contest judging is completed and winners are announced. This means you shouldn't make a pen stand that looks like one you've already shown somewhere. Push yourself and make something new and special for the contest.

4) The pen stand should be finished as though it was ready to be displayed with a pen.

5) Contest entries may submitted after August 1st Until August 23rd

6) Only one pen stand may be submitted.

How to enter:

1. You will need to submit five pictures to enter.

2. The first three pictures should have the pen stand positioned flat on a plain solid color background and the pictures should be 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall. Rotate the pen stand in each of the three pictures so that all parts of the pen stand are visible in at least one of the pictures. The pen stand should fill the picture as much as possible. No props are allowed. Resizing and cropping of your photo are allowed. Adjustments to make the picture "true to life" are allowed (e.g. color balance or exposure adjustment), but should be minimal. Adjustments to hide things or make the pen stand look like something it is not are not allowed. If there is dust or flaws visible in the picture then (a) retake the pictures after removing the dust / fixing the flaw (real world, not photoshop flaw removal) or (b) submit as is. Contest chair reserves the right to crop / resize photos to bring them into compliance with contest guidelines. If you are cropping a photo of a pen stand to meet the size limit, all photos must be of the same section of the pen stand. No picking the best section of each side of the pen stand to submit.

3. The fourth picture should be a shot of the pen stand with a pen displayed.
4. All pictures should be submitted as jpg files with enough compression to keep each file size under 256KB. Email your five entry pictures and the required information (see below) to The following information is required:

a. The material used and method used to get to the final product.
b. Your IAP user name and your real name.
c. Prize winners may additionally be required to submit a mailing address for prize delivery,
but this is not required with the entry.

5. All emails submitted during the contest will be retained by me until the contest ends. After the contest is completed I will delete all emails I have received as well as the email account used for this contest. I will not retain or share email addresses with anyone.

1. Winners will be decided by popular vote.

2. Depending on the number of entries there may be more than one vote.

3. Pictures will be posted and voting will begin on Monday August 24th.

4. Winners will be announced after the Polls are closed.
Rules are subject to change.
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Mar 7, 2011
Columbiana, Alabama
I am to new to know if I missed anything. I checked over and it all looks like I thought it should.

If anyone sees where it needs improving or just out right changed, please don't hesitate to say so.

Phil(the new guy)


Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
I'm still reading through it all but the 1st thing that jumped out was that you left out what the 5th photo should be. Rule 2 covers pics 1-3 and rule 3 is about the 4th pic. Nothing is said about that last pic requirement.

Since one of the pics is requiring a pen be displayed....can that pen be an entry for another contest? It kinda makes sense that it should be bc you're asking everyone to make something special for this contest. Meaning the pen should at least match or fit the theme. I would think most turners would be making both at the same time to achieve that look, and they could want to enter it in another contest.


Sep 13, 2009
Aiken, South Carolina
I think you might want to dive into the finer details of rule #2. Mainly about what materials will qualify. I'm thinking of those that cast watch parts into stands and other materials. All are available through several sources, but it's not clear in the rules.

I'm saying this for the Ed Street's of the world that like to pick apart semantics :cat:


Mar 7, 2011
Columbiana, Alabama
:rolleyes::biggrin:---------Lord help us all--------:biggrin::rolleyes:

thanks for the heads up. will look at it. I aint ashamed to say I didn't bring my swimmies to the deep end and need saving

I think you might want to dive into the finer details of rule #2. Mainly about what materials will qualify. I'm thinking of those that cast watch parts into stands and other materials. All are available through several sources, but it's not clear in the rules.

I'm saying this for the Ed Street's of the world that like to pick apart semantics :cat:
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