Pen, Project and Ring Turning Mandrels (91)

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IAP Library Manager
Staff member
Dec 14, 2006
Troy, Wisconsin, USA.
I've created a document that contains 91 of the most common mandrels used for kit turning.

The Final document was released into the library.

What I'm hoping for here is, input from our members discussing their
  • Experiences
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Opinions
or any other Items.

This document is an Ultimate go to for anyone who is unsure of whats out there.

Please add your preferences below, start a conversation or email me.

The 91 Mandrels PDF file displays the actual mandrels that I've found.

Author: Wayne Racinowski
Last edited:
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Outstanding work, Wayne. A very comprehensive compilation. I do note some updates and additions are needed but need to do some research before I open my big mouth (er, actually my big keyboard).;)
Wayne; That is excellent!

Safety Contribution:
If using any mandrel, the mandrel must have a firm attachment to the head stock. A head stock taper attachment MUST be turned with a tail stock center of some sort.

Aside: "You do not want to be chased around the shop by a 'mad spinning top of death'" DAMHIKT!
This 91 Mandrel PDF is now in the library.

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