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Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
I was amazed at how many people got all the matches correct! Every entry but one got 100%!!! As per the rules, the first entry with the correct answers got the top prize, and that goes to:


His entry came in a good fifteen minutes before everybody else! Good job Bob!

The other five prizes were drawn from among all the other entries with all correct answers. Here they are in no special order:

Chuck Key

And yes I realize that both Chuckie and Andrew also won prizes in the Dear Santa contest, but you know, these things work out that way sometimes! Congratulations everybody!

One last thing. I had mentioned earlier that I might do a "Guess My Number" contest and give away a selection of blanks out of my personal stash. Instead of that I am going to give these blanks as a consolation prize to the brave soul who sent in his Pen and Penturner entry, and only managed to match three out of ten! This honor goes to:


(James, get me your address, and I'll get these out to you - honest!)

Thanks to you all for making this a fun day, even if we aren't in Provo, swimming in door-prizes! [:p] And a special thank you to Ernie at Beartooth Woods, who not only made this all possible, but who came up with the idea of having a contest for those who couldn't be at the Rendezvous. Thanks Ernie!

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Though I never planned to compete...I can't believe I didn't even see the contest thread. Where is it?

BTW, congrats to all the winners!!! [:)]
I got to thinking that many of you may want to know the correct answer to the matching game, Pen and Penturner. So here it is:

1 - d (bjackman)
2 - h (skiprat)
3 - f (PenWorks)
4 - a (Mongefelipe)
5 - e (ken69912001)
6 - c (Jim in Oakville)
7 - j (clement)
8 - b (DKF)
9 - i (gerryr)
10 - g (jssmith3)

Thanks again to everyone who went out of their way to make this a fun day!

Hi Dario!

Because the entries were to be E-Mailed to me, we locked the topic when I posted it. Then it dropped down the list pretty quickly - it's already on the second page. We should have made it sticky, at least for the day. Here's a link to that contest post, so you all can see the nice pictures:

[:0][:0][:0][:0][:0] wow, i'm on the winners list.

Thanks Ernie and a special thank you to Scott for doing it.

Now Scott since people where expecting a guess my number, go ahead and do one, i'll chim in a stack of blanks from by stock. I'll be out of town for 4 days (National day here in Quebec) so just send me the winner address and i'll send him/her the blanks when i get back (postage on me of course).
Lets call it the day after contest.

I love contest [:D]
I love penturning
I love IAP.[:D][:D][:D]

Just to add to the winners list. Chuckie should pull that horse shoe out of his A** [:D] I had a 1 in 17 chance to win a lathe at the Penturners Rendezvous, but not in the cards, [V] That honor went to ........guess who ??????? Chuckie [:)] Congrats !
Originally posted by Scott
<br />
One last thing. I had mentioned earlier that I might do a "Guess My Number" contest and give away a selection of blanks out of my personal stash. Instead of that I am going to give these blanks as a consolation prize to the brave soul who sent in his Pen and Penturner entry, and only managed to match three out of ten! This honor goes to:


I don't know if I should be happy that I won the worst guesser prize, or ashamed that I was the worst guesser. I knew one for sure (Skiprat), the rest were pure guesses as I didn't have the time at work to do the searching for the correct answers.

Thanks Scott for running both contests, Scott and BearToothWoods for the prizes, and I'll send a PM with my address.
Quick question, if these contests were for folks who weren't able to go to Provo, how did Chuckie win here and in Prove? And yes Ed, I'm NIT picking again, just something I can't help... Drives my wife nuts. [B)]
[:0][:0][:0][:0] As I pick myself off the floor and get back on my chair.....

Thank you Earnie for this contest and Scott for setting it up!!

I must honestly say that of all of the different things I have spent my time and money on, Penturning and the people I have met and befriended in person and on-line have been the MOST generous with their time, money, advice, thoughts, prayer, etc. that I have ever been associated with.

Thank you one and all for everything you do!!

Time to start shopping.....
Originally posted by Draken
<br />Quick question, if these contests were for folks who weren't able to go to Provo, how did Chuckie win here and in Prove? And yes Ed, I'm NIT picking again, just something I can't help... Drives my wife nuts. [B)]

Quick answer. I have never been to Provo and the secret is mine for now. [}:)][}:)] You're driving me nuts too[:eek:)]


...and of course a nit to pick...How did you manage a prize when the rules stated you had to have the correct answers to be eligible? :eek:)][?] (NAR =no answer required)
Congratulations BOB!!!!

Now, like me, you need to get a LIFE!! Answering questions on-line is not, generally, profitable use of time!

(Wait a minute, he made $20, but the topic WAS posted late - he must have been sitting by the computer all day - but, so was I and I didn't make $20. HMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm)

NEVER MIND, BOB!!!! Congratulations!!![:D][:D][:D][:D]

You need to amend your "rules" for the future. I suggest, "The judge(s) reserve the right to interpret the rules any way they wish. The (k)nit pickers shall refrain from objecting to any and all deviations from the way they (errantly, in retrospect) interpreted the rules, prior to the judges' decisions."

That should cover it - or retain JimGo to work on something - he charges more than I do, tho'!![;)][;)][;)]
(Wait a minute, he made <b>$20</b>, but the topic WAS posted late - he must have been sitting by the computer all day - but, so was I and I didn't make <b>$20</b>. HMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm)
Uh, I thought 1st place was <b>$50.00</b>. [:p]
Thanks Ed. I think Life is pretty good right now. I PM'd Scott when it wasn't posted, and then he posted it with his explantation of why he was late. I didn't think I had a snowball's chance in Texas in the summertime..... But I have a job that does allow me to get on here. Sometimes it is runnin' and gunnin', and sometimes I have time to do as I want.

Thanks again Ernie!!![:D]
Touche Chuck! But technically I won a different prize, which was set aside for a as of then undetermined contest, so I wasn't outside the scope of this contest. [;)]

Sorry for putting you into the spotlight, I jumped to conclusions I shouldn't have and I apologize. Congrats on all your wins, you lucky devil you.

Good solution Ed, that would work. My nits and I will now sit quietly in the corner. [8)]
You guys kill me! [:D]

I think nit-pickers have a special connection to the universe! A warped, somewhat perverse connection, but a connection nonetheless!!! [;)]

As the only judge for THIS contest, I have to say I don't care about no rules! Heck, I make them up as I go anyway! Besides, this was simple - all I had to do was check to see if the answers were right, and then check the time-stamp on the E-Mail. Even I could do that! [:I]

Back when I was setting up these contests, and was asking for suggestions, Anthony asked if those attending the Rendezvous could enter, since this is a "Non-Rendezvous" contest? I told him it warmed the cockles of my heart to think about somebody being in Provo, but prefering to be on the computer entering this contest instead of basking in the warm glow at the Rendezvous! So nobody gets knocked out because they're there, as long as they're here too!

And I have to relate the nice E-Mail I got from Bob Younghusband yesterday, about the time the contest was to have been posted. It just said "tick-tock-tick-tock!" [^] Thanks Bob!

Thanks everybody! We do have fun, don't we!

And we (Americans) do appreciate the effort you, the mods and Jeff put forth to keep it fun!!


Them fereners is kinda nice guys too, sometimes!!! (Just for you, Skippy!!)
Just a quick update, here's a photo of the wonderful blanks that Scott sent me. Any assistance in figuring out what they are would be greatly appreciated!

From left to right:
1. Cocobolo
2. Cocobolo
3. Thuya Burl
4. Steelwood
6. ? Amboyna Burl ?

Any help filling in the blanks welcome!
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