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Sorry - we got back from the farm late last night & I'm trying to catch up. It was a "Wild" weekend - I disturbed a swarm of bees while I was mowing & they were not happy. I got stung at least 30-40 times before I could get away from them. Fortunately I'm not allergic to them.
Sorry - we got back from the farm late last night & I'm trying to catch up. It was a "Wild" weekend - I disturbed a swarm of bees while I was mowing & they were not happy. I got stung at least 30-40 times before I could get away from them. Fortunately I'm not allergic to them.
We used to use carpet at the archery range for a special shoot to stop arrows. We stored it in the shed and one day I was cleaning the shed and all of a sudden, I started itching. Well it wasn't an itch all over the place, I was being stung. I ran out of the shed and a friend of mine was driving over to me and when he seen the swarm of yellow jackets, he rolled up his windows and drove the other way. Jackass. Anyway, I know how you feel and by now you should be feeling better. Eat a few Pecans.
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