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Feb 9, 2006
Bellevue, WA, USA.
I found a piece of acrylester I've had around for a long time. I'd kinda' given up on that material because of blowouts, etc. but I thought I'd give it another try. It does have some nice color and finished up nice:

I also got some new kits in including the "stretch" (I'm not going to try selling it under *that* name :)). I thought it deserved one of my better pieces of amboyna. I don't know that my photography skills does it justice, but this was a nice rich piece of burl:

Also, I finally got around to finishing this Jr Gent in Desert Ironwood Burl. No mistaking the smell when you're working with this stuff, but the figure in the wood makes it worth it.

Thanks for looking.

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Very nice pens Barry ! I am partial to the look of D I W & plan to turn some in the near future . Have to find some first ! Nice pens !
Very nice work. One of the things I enjoy about Sunday evening is looking at the pens people have posted from a weekend in the shop! Looks like you had a good weekend [8D]
I'm with you Keith... I love looking at the new postings at the end of the weekend. Wish I could have been doing some today myself but SWMBO had me doing yard work today. :)
Originally posted by R2

The are all very nice pens.:):)[^] Perhaps your photograrphy has let you down somewhat because all look to have a dull finish from where I sit.

Thanks, Arthur,

I don't think the dull finish is the photography, in this case. I tend to prefer more of a satin finish -- I like the feel better.

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