Ok who has got one of these?

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Jul 23, 2008
Vancouver, wa
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Might be a bit small for some,
I'll bite - it looks like it could help me making clips for my custom pens, and at $26 including shipping I'm willing to try it.

Shipping is slow, but I'll report back if/when it arrives.
I think the biggest risk is 19.99 and sharing your personal information with a potentially unscrupulous party (which can happen with ANY merchant). Here's a review on the company assuming the review is even legit. https://reviewdone.com/solodiscountbuy/
Paypal masks all details except my address (which they'll need if they have any intention of shipping the product to me) and has a fairly good refund policy in the event of non-delivery. I'm as comfortable going into this as any of the dozens of purchases from China-based eBay sellers.
Paypal masks all details except my address (which they'll need if they have any intention of shipping the product to me) and has a fairly good refund policy in the event of non-delivery. I'm as comfortable going into this as any of the dozens of purchases from China-based eBay sellers.
Have fun with it. We all have $100's of dollars of tools and things that are getting dusty.
Paypal masks all details except my address (which they'll need if they have any intention of shipping the product to me) and has a fairly good refund policy in the event of non-delivery. I'm as comfortable going into this as any of the dozens of purchases from China-based eBay sellers.
I didn't know that. Thanks!
I have two of these

One at home and one at the blind center. The one at home has been in use for about 8 years and the one at the blind center for almost five years with no issues with either one.

It is quite a bit sturdier than this little one, and very durable.
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