November Activities Update

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
Here is a list of the activities occurring on the IAP right now.

Service Pens for Service Men: ([URL=""]GaryMGg[/URL]) and Pens for the Troops: ([URL=""]Wolftat[/URL]) Collecting pens to send to our troops. How awesome would it be to provide every one of our men and women in uniform a custom made pen???

2011 Holiday PITH and Blank Exchange: Fireangels and Hunter_27. The signups are now closed. If you have not heard from one or both of your partners by now please contact James, Landon or me. There have been some mighty fine looking pens created during this PITH. Take a look here.

Cast Away Box Part 2: Brooks803. This box is in Allen, Texas. We don't know where it will travel to next. Jonathon is waiting to hear from either G1Pens, Kevrob or Louie.

Cast Away Box III: Buzzzz4. The last stop for this box was South Africa. Next stop, Marlin, Texas.

:bananen_smilies051::cake::present::party:BIRTHDAY BASH!!!!:party::present::cake::bananen_smilies051:​
Only three short months until the annual party begins!!! If you have any ideas for Birthday Bash Activities, would like to volunteer to coordinate a Birthday Bash Activity, would like to help out in any way, know of any potential prize donors or have any suggestions about haw we can make the Birthday Bash even better than it has been in previous years PLEASE, contact me. Check out the 2011 Birthday Bash!

8th Anniversary Logo Contest: (Jeff) Be sure to VOTE for your favorite logo. The winning logo wll be displayed on the front page during 2012. Also, very special, limited edition coffee mugs, which feature the winning logo, will be made available to the membership. Believe me, morning coffee or cocoa tastes much, much better when drunk (or is it drank) from an Official IAP Branded Coffee Mug! Take a look at last year's mug!

If you have any ideas for an IAP activity, please get in touch with me via PM.

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