Nice rack!

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
One of several orders I just finished.

Not bad, for comfort pens. Comments welcome.


6th from left is Dawn's pen potion #9, lighter than Cav got, but they SHOULD have taken about the same picture????;););)
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Ed, you have been busy since the show season ended.

I turned the blanks you gave me. I made a european with one, real nice. The other, I made a cigar, but unfortunately, I had a tube that was too short in the cigar drawer and now I have a very nice looking bottom section that is too short for a cigar. I'm not exactly sure what I can do to fix the problem, but I haven't given up hope on it. Boy the plastic makes a mess. Well, at least I got some practice in for the Cactus blanks that I just got from MesquiteMan.

Have a great Christmas and a happy new year.

This is where "oops" rings started!

Part off down to the tube at both ends of the lower half of the pen (to make it look "planned"). Then, drill a 25/64 hole in a couple of pieces of sheet acrylic, about 1/8" thick (a stock item in any well-prepared pen-producing room). Glue the acrylic pieces to the two ends, and to the material that is already on the lower tube. Turn pen again, each of the two ends will "stick out" over your tubes by about 1/16". When you insert the "fittings", you may have to glue them in, don't press real hard, since you are pushing directly on your plastic and it will crack, given the chance.

Hope this is clear and, seriously, look around for colored acrylic sheet - it comes in various size squares and you will find LOTS of uses for it.[8D][8D]
Thanks. That is the direction I was headed. I didn't think about doing it to both sides. Given the tapered profile of the pen, I will probably need to stay away from the bottom of the section and only add to the top.
IF you only add to the top, you have to add twice as much.

You may have to put a short piece of tubing inside it to make sure you can put the center connector INTO something.

While I realize this is unclear, it may make you CONSIDER how you will put the fittings in. If YOU think about it, I am certain you will see and solve the problem.

Good Luck!![:D][:D][:D]
What are the names of the 4th blank and the 7th blank from the left? I really like those colors and would be interested in finding some of those colors. Beautiful work on all of your pens. I am too intimadated to show pictures of my pens after seeing all of the pens that you all make. Thanks.

4th is CPR02, crushed pearl from Penn State (resold by Woodturningz, but mine is REAL old, so bought it from PSI). 7th is Berea AA-Y, resold by AS, but same story as above (I bought from Berea years ago).

The CPR02 is an exceptional picture, caught it just right with the flash of the camera. Color is GOOD, but not as deep as the picture looks. FWIW
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