Nice meal with fellow IAP members :)

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Apr 14, 2005
Austin, TX, USA.
Larry (lkorn) came to visit San Antonio and arranged a meeting with Travis (coach). I luckily got invited too! :)

Here is a picture of the 3 of us after a simple but delicious meal ;).

I had a good time guys. Thanks!

From left to right: Travis, Larry and Dario
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Man, Larry's almost like Waldo or Flat Stanley - he sure gets around! I met up with him a few weeks ago at the DC pen show, and now he's half the country away!
Penturners wearing shirts with no pockets!!!

Doesn't anyone ever come to Cleveland? [?] I guess you are all waiting until January when the weather gets nice here.
Cant wait until Friday Larry and Ron. Hopefully we can get hold of Jeff carrol and he can come to. And then couple of weeks later, Coach comes to town to bring me my Christmas present early!

Jeff, coach and I are planning a road trip to Provo this year, hate that Ohio aint on the way. Dario I bet we can fit another one in the truck.
Glad you fellas had a good time! I've enjoyed both of my visits with fellow IAP members (Dario and Monty) thus far and looks forward to doing so again. Dario, I'm looking forward to getting together with you again in December if you're able. Maybe we can get Travis involved. Sorry, Jeff, I don't get up to Cleveland that much either. Maybe the Ohio bunch could arrange a centralized meeting. Doesn't Melogic live in Reynoldsburg? Sorry Dario, not trying to hijack your thread. If this goes, we can start another one or PM.
YEAH, YEAH, YEAH.... BUT they don't mention the harrassing phone calls I got from the three of them wondering if I was having any real good fajitas for dinner...
All I know is that they better have someone else open the next care package that gets delivered [}:)][}:)]
Real sorry I could not be there... looks like a good time was had ... and I LOVE FAJITAS...
Originally posted by jeff
<br />Doesn't anyone ever come to Cleveland? [?]

Cleveland... isn't that somewhere near the Land of Oz... I guess I;ll have to wait for a tornado to hit to get there... [:p][:p]

Sorry Jeff, the closest I get is West Jefferson OH.. near Columbus, and then only when my wife won't let me stay home..
Of course I do get rewarded with a dinner at Schmidt's.. one fantastic German restaurant
Looks like fun! Johnny I look forward to meeting you and Larry on Friday. We need to get a picture taken because I believe we'll be a much better looking group!
Originally posted by Old Griz
<br />YEAH, YEAH, YEAH.... BUT they don't mention the harrassing phone calls I got from the three of them wondering if I was having any real good fajitas for dinner...
All I know is that they better have someone else open the next care package that gets delivered [}:)][}:)]
Real sorry I could not be there... looks like a good time was had ... and I LOVE FAJITAS...

LOL...where and when can you have fun and get to harass Tom for desert too?! (safely with more than a thousand mile buffer) [:D] Don't know how you can say you love fajitas Tom...since you never really had a REAL one yet! LOL

Kidding aside, we had fun and hoping to meet other members again in the future.

One topic that was discussed...we would have never met if not because of internet. [;)]
I didn't even eat fajitas, I ate a salad! There were plenty of them for you! Just look at that kid in the background of the pic stuffing himself![:D]

You sure you can get that new camera to work to get the pic?[;)]
"I" had my pocket in my jacket that was on the back of the chair! However, each of us had pens in our front jeans pocket, TEXAS STYLE!
One of the things not mentioned was the wood swap that preceded dinner. As the one who travelled the farthest, I made out best[:D]. Mesquite burl, spalted spanish oak, madrone, redheart, spalted red elm, myrtle, and Mystery (f.o.g.)wood. The best score was a packet of Coach's "Secret Rub" for all foodstuff!

A great time was had by all!

Originally posted by Rifleman
<br />Jeff said, "Penturners wearing shirts with no pockets!!!"
Very astute observation. [:)] Good question too. [;)]
My travel is merely a factor of family. My step-son is now living in San Antonio. My Daughter is in Stephenville which is a half hour drive from Glen Rose, hence the visit to Johnny's this friday. Gotta go visit those Grandkids!!!

My parents on the other hand, just survived WILMA. the eye of the storm went right over their heads. They lost all the windows in their patio, a foreign object took out the kitchen window, and some sort of fruit tree is lying on the roof of their car. I left instruction that the three be stacked when it is removed from the vehicle, but who knows when that will be. Travel is still difficult down there, I could get in, but not be able to get any gas to get back out. So the wood if any will have to wait.

Originally posted by JimGo
<br />Man, Larry's almost like Waldo or Flat Stanley - he sure gets around! I met up with him a few weeks ago at the DC pen show, and now he's half the country away!
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