Next Meeting: Sept 28th, 2013

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Local Chapter Leader
Dec 15, 2006
Pleasanton, CA, USA.
So our next meeting is officially on Sept 28th.

Don't forget to turn a scoop to put on the "Braggart's table"!

Ideas for demos, discussions, etc??

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I also will not be able to attend due to a show that day in Corralitos. I will miss seeing everyone. Hope you all have a good time.
We just got the rest of the month's schedule. Abigail has a soccer game that morning....we could probably arrive around 2:00....but I suspect that's too close to "quittin' time" to make the trip up. :confused:
Show in Corralitos?

What show in Corralitos? How many vendors? Is it in the park?

Do you realize how many $1,000's of dollars I've spent in the meat market? The best, let me repeat, the best, smoked bacon on earth. Period......
What show in Corralitos? How many vendors? Is it in the park?

Do you realize how many $1,000's of dollars I've spent in the meat market? The best, let me repeat, the best, smoked bacon on earth. Period......

Corralitos Annual Country BBQ is the event I will be in. I don't know how many vendors. I assume it is in a park due to bands playing, BBQing, etc. It is a fundraiser event with no fee for the vendors. I have to donate an item worth around $50 to the raffle or silent auction or something to pay for the space. Food is additional at $12 for vendors, $25 for everyone else. Last year a friend of mine did it and he said it was a worthwhile event for him. We shall see.

Hope you all have a good time at the meet. Wish I could be there. I'll be missin' ya and thinking good thoughts about it.
So now it is looking like we will have 5 (maybe only 4 depending on DaveR's office move) plus me. Do we want to just skip it, or have an informal one and try again for early October, or ....

Would you remind me what time you meet? I can be somewhat flexible with the 21st or 28th. I don't have my shop up and running yet, so casual is ok with me.
I'm still open on the 28th.

So about that braggart's table... will there be a table for the rest of us? My lathe started getting very loud a couple months ago and I didn't have time to tear into until recently. Just got it all prettied up and running quiet again.
Abigail has a soccer game starting at 11:45 on the 28th, which means that at most, only one of us can come. so I'd vote for an October switch; but that being said, Oct 5 and Oct 26 are our game-free Saturdays. And all the Sundays are bad for us. :-/

I sure wish I could make this one..World Superbike races are that weekend at Laguna Seca. As a volunteer, I tend bar in the Flagroom..Hopefully the next meeting will work for me..

best regards.

Ok, let's make this an "informal" meeting. If you can/want to show up please do around 11am. It will go until we get bored. Nothing planned, just talking, demoing whatever comes up. We can run around the corner to Togo's for lunch or whatever.
If you need my address, please PM me.

If someone wants to try to schedule a meeting for October, please go for it. I'm happy to attend, but I'm burnt out on trying to schedule it for a while.


Something has come up and it doesn't look like I'll be able to make the 9/28 informal meeting. Sorry about taking so long.

As always, thanks for hosting the IAP's.

Ok, we are down to three. Let's call this one a bust due to life's conflicting schedules.

Someone want to ake a stab at scheduling one for October? (start a different thread, please.). I'm available any weekend other than the 12th, 19th, or 20th.

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