Newbie From NW Chicago area

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Aug 11, 2010
Chicago, Il
I have been doing woodworking for awhile thought I would give pen turning a try. Anyone in Chicago area willing to let a newbie watch while you turn a pen?

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Hi Mike. And welcome to the IAP. The following is a link in answer to your question . . . where they are trying to get a Local Chapter going in your area.

I'm from sunny southern California. And looking forward to seeing some of your work.

I'm just putting one link in here for reference - here is a link - a PDF on the acronyms used here. I am sure you know many but this will help with those you don't.

You've been looking around for awhile. If you need anymore info, there are many here ready to answer your questions. And don't forget the great resources we have available through the Library and Wiki links on the home page.
Hey Mike,

Welcome to IAP!! From Wisconsin!!

You just missed the Wisconsin chapter meeting, but watch for the next one (first week of December, on Sunday). Last time was 15 folks, couple demos of penturning topics---free coffee, what more could you ask???

I have been doing woodworking for awhile thought I would give pen turning a try. Anyone in Chicago area willing to let a newbie watch while you turn a pen?


If you don't mine coming to Milwaukee, you are welcome to check out my world class pen production facility.
There are three large woodturning clubs in Chicago area. One club is chicago Woodturners, another is The Windy City Woodturners and I can't remember the other one. Chicago Woodturners just sponsored a symposium this past weekend in Mundelin. There were a couple of pen demos and a penturning evening on Fridahy. I wish you had known about it. Contact anyone in the woodturning clubs and you will be set to go.....lots of really nice folks.
Do a good turn dailyu!

I have been doing woodworking for awhile thought I would give pen turning a try. Anyone in Chicago area willing to let a newbie watch while you turn a pen?

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