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Oct 25, 2009
Hi all, I found the site today and found your chapter. I live in Ventura and have been turning pens for about 5 years. I would like to attend your meeting in November at Norms. Could someone give me more information on what your chapter does?

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Hi Barb, welcome to the IAP. I sent a PM to Dale McGinnis, who is your chapter leader. You should hear from him soon on info about the upcoming meeting. When you feel comfortable, you might want to let other know who you are by using the Introductions Forum. There you will receive all types of greetings and welcomes from around the world. If I can help you in any way, just give me a shout!!
Welcome Barb. I am not from your chapter but I did want to welcome you. With your 5 years of experience, you can add lots of tips here. Join in the fun and post some picts of your work.

I am posting links to three threads/articles that have lots of information on pen turning. You probably don't need this, but I am including it just in case it helps in some way. The first one is a very basic overview of the many aspects of getting into turning pens.

The second link has postings by different pen turners and what they wish they had known earlier:

A third link is for the "lingo" or acronyms that we use regularly:
Greetings Barb and Welcome to the Forum.

Be sure to watch out for the flirts here too ... they may want to meet on the pretext that they have blanks to trade with you!
Great Barb! And Welcome to IAP. I'll be looking forward to seeing you at the meeting in November.

I hope you bring some of your work to show us.
Hi Barb,

I just started turning pens after I found this forum and you won't believe how helpful and supportive and nice everyone is. I just bought my first lathe this past weekend and made my first pen last week so I've been busy with that but I will be at the November meeting as I live in Long Beach so I look forward to meeting you there!

You will receive a very warm welcome for sure!

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