New shop floor

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Picked up some new-to-me anti-fatigue foam floor mats at the garage sale my daughter had this past weekend. I think it brightens up the shop a bit.


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I wish I could find some of that cheap! My great grand daughter would love it. She loves to go to pop-paws shop and look. She see's so much stuff to get into that I spend all my time watching her. She says when she gets big, currently 4, she's going to help me in the shop. I have the twin to your Powermatic in the end of my shop too! Looks great!
I wish I could find some of that cheap! My great grand daughter would love it. She loves to go to pop-paws shop and look. She see's so much stuff to get into that I spend all my time watching her. She says when she gets big, currently 4, she's going to help me in the shop. I have the twin to your Powermatic in the end of my shop too! Looks great!

You better enjoy the Grand daughter. they grow up and and forget we are around.. time with her is well spent...........
I looked into those but they aren't as cheap as you think. :)
Can't get any cheaper than free. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Check local garage sales. you can probably get them for a few bucks.

I noticed some of the pieces are missing (the inside on the "B" for instance). Just wonder how that will effect sweeping the floor.
I'm hoping the shop vac will make that easy.
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