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Sep 27, 2023
Rock Hill, SC
Hi! I'm Chaz, and I just joined.

I'm from MN originally, and now live in South Carolina (which isn't as bad as it sounds). I do not recommend Lutefisk, or its Southern equivalent, Liver Mush.

I drink IPAs.

I was introduced to woodworking by my father and his step-father. If been woodturning for about 6 years.

TBH, I don't do a lot of pen turning anymore. I used to, and I learned a lot while doing it. I still do a lot of small, mandrel-based work that employs many skills I learned while making pens.

The work of people doing kitless pens fascinates me. I wish I had time to do that sort of work.
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Welcome along from the other side of the pond. Lots to read and inspire / discuss / chew over on here and they're friendly too .
Welcome. South Carolina is a beautifuul state; mountains, central plateau and the Low Country which is worth visiting. Liver makes good catfish bait.
Greetings from Nebraska and welcome to the IAP community. I never could get used to Lutefisk either. I always said the trick was to really slather up a piece of lefse to wrap around it so that you could squirt the lutefisk out the back end when you bit into it. :)

I grew up in a Norwegian, Czech, and Polish community in South Dakota. We had more Jaternice than we did Lutefisk. I think it must be similar to the Liver Mush. It's mostly pork head, tongue, heart and liver. My mom loved it, as for me -- not so much!

Welcome aboard,
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