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Ant JE

Mar 29, 2020
Hi all,

thought I'd send a quick Introduction, as a new member.

Ive been turning just over a year and pen making for about 6 months now. Kitless; since christmas.

Really keen to pick up tips and learn from some of the more seasoned pen makers.


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Heck we will be the ones picking up tips from you. That is a nice pen and well shaped and formed. I do hope you do show up here more often and share ideas and photos. Many people pass through here with the intro and never jump in. Kitless needs to get more attention here and to do that we need more people like you to talk it up and help get the juices flowing for others. Tell us in the kitless forum about your shop, tools, materials like to use, drills taps and any other sort of things like this. Tell us the lathe you use and if you have any other CNC or out of the ordinary tools. Show us more of your work in the Show off your pen forum. Look around and get accustomed to the site. We are a friendly bunch. And Good Luck.
Thanks for the warm welcome John. I tried pen making once to 'scratch and itch' and have been hooked ever since. Having read many of the previous posts, as you say, everyone seems very friendly and some of the pens on here are world class. I look forward to picking ideas and will most certainly be a frequent contributor.
@Ant JE

Hi Tony !! . Warm welcome to IAP !! .. :)

I love the white kitless pen you show above !!!
Can you please give a few details, like material, nib, size of barrel/cap, threads, etc. . Thanks.

The grayish-looking ring .... is that an ink-fill window ?
Thanks Magpens👍 (sorry, is it Mal?)

The blank is a Casein, the nib a red lacquered bock nib.

I love this nib - after much deliberation I figured it would work well with a very plain pen.

I tend not to work to a plan but make the section first then figure out the dimensions as I go along but am now settling on:

the pen maximum diameter - 15 mm
the section maximum diameter - 12 mm
thread for the cap - 13x1 tap
section thread - 10x1 die

The grey ring is not by design (at least not originally) I blew out the thread of the casein blank, cutting the section thread, so had to use an Insert to finish it off.
@Ant JE

Thank you for the details. . Yes, it's "Mal", actually "Malvern"; named after a WW2 friend of my Dad's who bore that name and also worked at the TRE (Telecommunications & Radar Establishment) at Malvern, UK. . I used to think that Malvern was an RAF base but have recently been corrected.
But I don't like the full name, because it is quite uncommon, so have long used "Mal". . Also recently, an IAP friend in Wales referred to me (somewhat affectionately I assume !) as The Crazy Canuck, so I have added that to my IAP signature just as a return token of affection !! :)

It is good to have you "on board" here at IAP. . It would seem that you have made remarkable progress with your pen-making, starting only 6 months ago and now having produced the outstandingly nice white pen that you show in your opening post of this thread.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing further examples of your work !!!
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