New Maker From Kansas City

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Aug 31, 2014
Kansas City, MO
Hello, I am Tony Z from Kansas City. A am an American Bladesmith Society Apprentice bladesmith in my spare time when not working as a butcher. I am probably the slowest knifemaker in the ABS, having little patience but am working on improving that. I guess I am obsessed with attention to detail, so that is good but slow.

I recently bought a Jet 1015VS on a whim and starting turning a few pens and pencils. I can make a beautiful pen much faster than I can make a finished knife with sheath. So, in between knives, when I start to lose patience and get frustrated, I start a pen or pencil. And absolutely love it! Believe I am hooked! Anyhow...

I am also a USMC veteran, a Gulf War veteran and a VFW Life member. I hope to learn a lot from this forum, as I have on the many knifemaker's forums. Thanks.

Tony Z
Kansas City, MO
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Welcome Tony! Thanks for your service! Pen turning can be pretty addictive. Plus, in most cases, you will cause much less alarm when you show off your pens than if you pulled out a knife! Enjoy. Make good use of the search function and the library and you should have all the answers and information you could want.
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