New guy

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Apr 26, 2008
Wichita Falls, TX, USA.

My name is Cameron and I ive in Wichia Falls, TX. I recently got into pen turning and I love it. I am currently getting all my supplies to start turning out some pens. I do other wood work too. (home decor stuff) I look forward to interacting and learning from everyone.
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Welcome from Granbury, Texas. Cameron is my grandson and currently in the U.S. Air Force. He has two great children(my great grandkids) and a super wife. I told him Don Ward would probably give him some pointers. Don,hope you don't mind. Again, welcome.
Cameron, don't mind Cav most of the time we keep him on his Meds. Welcome from north of the Red River
Originally posted by wdcav1952

Welcome aboard, Cameron. Nay sayers will tell you penturning is for people with short attention spans, but Oh Look, a butterfly!!!!
Welcome to the forum Cameron.....where was I? Oh yeah, first you take the part A and line it up with the part BUTTERFLY!!!!! run away run away [:eek:)][:eek:)]
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