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Nov 19, 2015

Cpl. Barnhart USMC here. I am joining here for a number of reasons. I am helping my Sister-In-law with her Senior Project on wood turning. I bought her a jet 1015 lathe, stand, bed extension, stand extension, nova chuck and some turning tools. I thought i was doing a good thing. Then she brings me a list of stuff she wants to turn. Pens, bottle stoppers, goblets, bowls, natural edge bowls and what not. So I head out on the 1.5 hour drive to the local woodcraft and wow this stuff is expensive. So talked to her teacher and she said try to write to companies and get some stuff that way. So I being a United States Marine, i cant fail at this mission. I wrote and I wrote. Some kind people sent blanks, one tool company sent a set of tools, and two glue companies sent CA Glue. Now comes the funny part... companies said yep we sending this for your sister-in-laws senior project been about a month and nothing. Had a company rep give her a polishing kit. And said contact this company, and this one and this one. All failed. He said get on this website and ask around. Vendors will see u on there and help out. So here I am.
Unfortunately the school does not allow them to write or get on websites on their own for safety reasons. I dont understand this, but what do I know I am a bullet catcher. I often wonder how some of us made it through our child hoods.
Anyway if any of you can point her in the right direction to get some pen kits or unique pen blanks, bottle stopper kits or blanks, micro-mesh kits or anything that will help her out with this project it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for your time.
Cpl. Barnhart USMC
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Welcom and Oorah!

First, thank you for your service! Second, you are a fantastic brother to do this!!

I have just started with woodturning myself and so don't have years of extra stuff lying around like some do but I would love to help in some way. If you happen to be stationed at Camp Pendleton (my backyard), PM me and we'll figure something out.
Welcom and Oorah!

First, thank you for your service! Second, you are a fantastic brother to do this!!

I have just started with woodturning myself and so don't have years of extra stuff lying around like some do but I would love to help in some way. If you happen to be stationed at Camp Pendleton (my backyard), PM me and we'll figure something out.

Thank you for your Service as well Sir.

Yeah if i would have known the prices of stuff beforehand i would have told her to pick a different project. I hope you are right about the help that will come from those on this site. As I said i would rather the companies, manufacturers and or vendors lent a helping hand rather than individuals. This country seems to be going to heck in a hand basket, i know times are tough here so i know everyone is in the same boat as we are.

Thanks for your time.
Well I talked to my sister-in-law she got another package today. I will post tomorrow sometime all the people and companies that have sponsored or donated stuff towards her senior project.

Again thank you all. Any points in the right directions are greatly appreciated.
Good Morning all!

Would like to start off by saying thank you to those individuals and company's that have assisted my sister-in-law with her senior project so far. They are in no particular order.

Thank you to:

EasyWood Tools (50% off a one time order)

Gorilla Glue (2 bottles of CA Glue)

Daddy Van's (5oz jar of beeswax)

FastCap (2p-10 finishing kit)

Novus (3 step finishing kit)

Century Tree Turnings (large box of wood blanks)

Clifford D Souza from HI (large box of KOA blanks, and 3 turning tools)

There are other companies that have said they were going to send something and have not done so, I will not mention their names as they seem to be active on these forums. I will say one thing as a United States Marine if I or any Marine says he or she is going to do something you can bet your life on the fact that it will get done. As for those company's that said your were sending something and have not you should be ashamed of yourselves. All that needed to be said was NO. Be rest asured that at the craftsmans fairs and the senior project display will have your company name displayed and reason why will not be good.

Again thank you to all of you that have helped her out so far, and again she needs alot more stuff to complete her project, we are headed to woodcraft to try to get some basic stuff for her to start turning but we are on a very tight budget. So any points in the right direction would be helpful.
As i am the new guy if there is a better place for me to put the thank yous and asking for help with her senior project please advice me on the correct forum sub category to place it in.
Thank you.
Her lathe! What she has done so far! She cant do pens until i get her a pen mandrel, she wants to do bottle stoppers so i will have to research what she needs for that as well. Woodcraft today if she is not working.


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Ok I cant figure out how to edit #13 so an add on to the thank you list.

Chefwarekits (box of unknown at this time)

Again thank you all! Any and all help with my sister-in-laws senior project is greatly appreciated.
Welcome from San Antonio, and thanks for your service!

If she is looking at getting into bottle stoppers and pens and stuff, have her check out . Their shipping is a little slow and I am not promoting every aspect of them however they have some great "Starter" kits. Like this one for bottle stoppers - . Almost every pen they sell has a starter kit and it will come with drill bit and the bushings needed to make that pen. It is worth a look.
Welcome from San Antonio, and thanks for your service!

If she is looking at getting into bottle stoppers and pens and stuff, have her check out . Their shipping is a little slow and I am not promoting every aspect of them however they have some great "Starter" kits. Like this one for bottle stoppers - . Almost every pen they sell has a starter kit and it will come with drill bit and the bushings needed to make that pen. It is worth a look.

We have looked. But it boils down to funds. I have alot invested in her project already. Not a rich family by any means what so ever. She works after school but that money goes into an account for college. So it basically boils down to what my wife and I can afford to spare to assist with her project. Two of the company's that donated stuff in the list above suggested this site as well as their competitors for donations. They suggested if they saw on here that there competition made a donation they might as well.
Trust me i hate asking as i have worked for everything i have thus far in life, thats without credit cards (major down fall of this country). So to ask for donations really bothers me, but her college education is much more important than a senior project in my eyes. Looking at and talking to prior students and the school the average $ spent on senior projects was $3500.00. I have already purchased a jet 1015 lathe with bed extension and stand, nova chuck, took advantage of easywoods 50% offer and i have already spent over $1200 on lathe and tools and accessories. I am stretched to the limt here. All in the name of education.

So trust me when we have the funds we will get something from them, but their email response from them does not put them on the top of our list anytime soon. Just being honest, i do like thier products, but it does not matter what i like cause its not my project to pass or fail on.
Welcome from San Antonio, and thanks for your service!

If she is looking at getting into bottle stoppers and pens and stuff, have her check out . Their shipping is a little slow and I am not promoting every aspect of them however they have some great "Starter" kits. Like this one for bottle stoppers - . Almost every pen they sell has a starter kit and it will come with drill bit and the bushings needed to make that pen. It is worth a look.

We have looked. But it boils down to funds. I have alot invested in her project already. Not a rich family by any means what so ever. She works after school but that money goes into an account for college. So it basically boils down to what my wife and I can afford to spare to assist with her project. Two of the company's that donated stuff in the list above suggested this site as well as their competitors for donations. They suggested if they saw on here that there competition made a donation they might as well.
Trust me i hate asking as i have worked for everything i have thus far in life, thats without credit cards (major down fall of this country). So to ask for donations really bothers me, but her college education is much more important than a senior project in my eyes. Looking at and talking to prior students and the school the average $ spent on senior projects was $3500.00. I have already purchased a jet 1015 lathe with bed extension and stand, nova chuck, took advantage of easywoods 50% offer and i have already spent over $1200 on lathe and tools and accessories. I am stretched to the limit here. All in the name of education.

So trust me when we have the funds we will get something from them, but their email response from them does not put them on the top of our list anytime soon. Just being honest, i do like thier products, but it does not matter what i like cause its not my project to pass or fail on.

I understand where you are coming from when it comes to budget. I merely brought that website to light because of their starter sets. If you get the starter set for the bottle stoppers they throw in the drill bit and the mandrel for free. If you buy a pen starter set it will come with the correct drill bit and the bushings you need for the pen. This is a good way to get what you need to make the pens for free.

Good luck with her new addiction :biggrin:
Welcome from San Antonio, and thanks for your service!

If she is looking at getting into bottle stoppers and pens and stuff, have her check out . Their shipping is a little slow and I am not promoting every aspect of them however they have some great "Starter" kits. Like this one for bottle stoppers - . Almost every pen they sell has a starter kit and it will come with drill bit and the bushings needed to make that pen. It is worth a look.

We have looked. But it boils down to funds. I have alot invested in her project already. Not a rich family by any means what so ever. She works after school but that money goes into an account for college. So it basically boils down to what my wife and I can afford to spare to assist with her project. Two of the company's that donated stuff in the list above suggested this site as well as their competitors for donations. They suggested if they saw on here that there competition made a donation they might as well.
Trust me i hate asking as i have worked for everything i have thus far in life, thats without credit cards (major down fall of this country). So to ask for donations really bothers me, but her college education is much more important than a senior project in my eyes. Looking at and talking to prior students and the school the average $ spent on senior projects was $3500.00. I have already purchased a jet 1015 lathe with bed extension and stand, nova chuck, took advantage of easywoods 50% offer and i have already spent over $1200 on lathe and tools and accessories. I am stretched to the limit here. All in the name of education.

So trust me when we have the funds we will get something from them, but their email response from them does not put them on the top of our list anytime soon. Just being honest, i do like thier products, but it does not matter what i like cause its not my project to pass or fail on.

I understand where you are coming from when it comes to budget. I merely brought that website to light because of their starter sets. If you get the starter set for the bottle stoppers they throw in the drill bit and the mandrel for free. If you buy a pen starter set it will come with the correct drill bit and the bushings you need for the pen. This is a good way to get what you need to make the pens for free.

Good luck with her new addiction :biggrin:

I understand you. I didn't mean to rant. I agree with u on the starter kits 100%. I llike their products. In the long run it is up to her what she gets, based on what we can afford. We have looked at their website. Its just time and money at this point. All projects must be finished and completed by April, display night is in May, and Craftsmans Fair is in Aug. So time is not on her side when u figure in the funding. Especially when you add in the fact that a majority of her funding is used up by the wife and I with our new daughter. She has turned a natural edge bowl, and a small mug or cup or what ever u want to call it. No pens or bottle stoppers as she does not even have mandrels for them yet. Wife and I can only do so much in the time frame that she has.
Thank you though it is a great idea and we are very appreciative of the fact that you did point out the kits which include alot of the stuff she needs to get started on her projects.again sorry for my rant earlier.

Adding on to the thank you list.

Thank you

Dave form Home

Two $10 gift certificates to CSUSA.

Thank you again.
Well she worked again today so no woodcraft this weekend. Wish the woodcraft was not an hour and a half away.
Another Thank You to add to the list.

Screw Wax for a thing Carnauba wax

Thank You very much for your generosity. She will be very greatful and appreciative.
Update on Thank You list.

Thank you to:

EasyWood Tools (50% off a one time order)

Gorilla Glue (2 bottles of CA Glue)

Daddy Van's (5oz jar of beeswax)

FastCap (2p-10 finishing kit)

Novus (3 step finishing kit)

Century Tree Turnings (large box of wood blanks)

Clifford D Souza from HI (large box of KOA blanks, and 3 turning tools)

Chefwarekits (box of unknown at this time)

Dave form (Two $10 gift certificates to CSUSA)

Screw Wax for a thing Carnauba wax

And to those of you whom wish to remain anonymous, Thank You as well.

Thank You all. This is a great group, she said its like one big family here. Again any and all points in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
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I'm very curious what this Senior Project is - does it involve learning to turn a variety of items? Seems very open ended - is it an art degree? Business?

As far as tools go, you don't need to stretch the budget. There are a lot of things that you can turn without having to buy any more tools - you already have a lathe, and you said that you bought her a chuck - I turned for years before I bought a chuck, and you can definitely make bottle stoppers in a chuck. Bowls too.

Turning between centres for spindles is a big thing - no big expensive stuff needed there either!

Wood does grow on trees :)smile:), so have her start collecting neat trimmings ...If not, get some oak or maple from a lumber store and start gluing them together. I bought four dollars worth of oak, and made some neat bottle stoppers. Learning to turn with pine teaches tool skills, and it can be bought in the form of 2x stock for a ridiculously reasonable price.

Harbor Freight has dirt cheap things like facemasks, sandpaper, etc...

Seems like you're well on your way! Wish her good luck with her turning! (and please provide some details of the project :)

What other choices did she have, besides turning? It's not a cheap hobby - but it's not one where you have to buy everything that the people in Woodcraft suggest - I went years before I had even a third of the tools that i thought were necessary when I first started! A chisel, a way to sharpen it, and a facemask were the first three things I bought.

Good luck!
Welcome from Louisiana. PM me an address and I will be happy to ship out a box of pen blanks and some Euro kits that I am never going to use. I might have some other things to fill the box with too.

FYI I was a Sailor and a Soldier in the 70s and 80s. DAV now. We gotta stick together brother cause we are all on the same side.
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I'm very curious what this Senior Project is - does it involve learning to turn a variety of items? Seems very open ended - is it an art degree? Business?

As far as tools go, you don't need to stretch the budget. There are a lot of things that you can turn without having to buy any more tools - you already have a lathe, and you said that you bought her a chuck - I turned for years before I bought a chuck, and you can definitely make bottle stoppers in a chuck. Bowls too.

Turning between centres for spindles is a big thing - no big expensive stuff needed there either!

Wood does grow on trees :)smile:), so have her start collecting neat trimmings ...If not, get some oak or maple from a lumber store and start gluing them together. I bought four dollars worth of oak, and made some neat bottle stoppers. Learning to turn with pine teaches tool skills, and it can be bought in the form of 2x stock for a ridiculously reasonable price.

Harbor Freight has dirt cheap things like facemasks, sandpaper, etc...

Seems like you're well on your way! Wish her good luck with her turning! (and please provide some details of the project :)

What other choices did she have, besides turning? It's not a cheap hobby - but it's not one where you have to buy everything that the people in Woodcraft suggest - I went years before I had even a third of the tools that i thought were necessary when I first started! A chisel, a way to sharpen it, and a facemask were the first three things I bought.

Good luck!

Good evening,
She is doing her senior project on well started out as woodturning, then she changed it to turning cause she saw acrylic blanks online. Her goal in the project is to turn a mug, cup, goblet or what ever u want to call it. A couple of bowls, and natural edge bowls. Then some pens, bottle stoppers, and what ever else she can get her hands on. She picked it cause a guy let her turn some stuff on a lathe at the craftsmans fair at mount sunapee. And she enjoyed it and he told her she was a natural. Its a High School Senior project, they like it to be on a broad subject. She has alot on her plate and she keeps adding to it. She slammed out a natural edge bowl and it has not cracked yet, the mug on the other hand she tried to finish in one day and it cracked. Now she wants to move to pens and bottle stoppers. She seems to think she will get a better grade if she turns multiple things, i know they asked her to pick three or four things to do so that she has hours in the project and not finished in a day. Its a pass/fail project with so many hours required . I mean pass/fail u either pass ur senior year or u fail it based on this project.
She has read most if not all of the pm's everyone has sent and she was like wow they have good ideas, so she is going to try some of them to save money. Thank god for all of you guys is all i can say.
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