New guy from New Yawk!

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Jan 21, 2018
New York
Hello All,

Just a quickie introduction and greetings from New York. Thank you for having me. I discovered this forum while searching the internet attempting to increase my very limited knowledge of pen turning. I've been bitten by the lathe bug and have been thoroughly and incurably infected and yet, I don't even own a lathe! I do have a garage woodworking shop that's pretty well equipped but, now that I must have a lathe, I'm in the process of schooling myself about the various machines and equipment available, while scratching for the funding necessary.

For me, the bug bit when I inadvertently stumbled upon a few bowl turning videos on YouTube and became so fascinated by the tools, the process and the unlimited creativity that I've since spent, literally, countless hours watching videos and familiarizing myself with many of the talented turners that divulge their process and knowledge on YouTube. Naturally, in my quest for more turning vids, I happened upon pen turners plying their trade. Well, there it was. A whole new bounty of information and things to learn about. I've lately been dabbling in casting how-to vids and discovering the origins of the unique pen blanks that I see all of you using in your craft.

I'm hoping that if I keep poking around here long enough I'll be even better prepared tool-wise and knowledge-wise to get a better head start on this endeavor.

Thanks again for having me.

a.k.a. Ripper70
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