Never again shall the tang of a file pierce my flesh!

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Feb 21, 2009
Lawrence, KS
It dawned on me that I can make tool handles! Duh! And exactly when did I have this epiphany? At the moment the tang dug into my palm late this morning. :doctor:

So I cleaned up my wound and pulled out one of the poplar spindle blanks I made for practice turning. A little while later plus a trip to the hardware store for some copper pipe and viola' a file handle. Made two to have more practice. :biggrin: Are they perfect? Nope. Am I proud of them becase I made them and they are my first non-pen spindle project that wasn't just a doodle? Yep! :wink:

The poplar is essentially free since it was leftover from another project and while it makes an OK handle I'll probably hunt around for some maple and remake the handles.

FYI, before I started them I hit Google for some ideas and came up with this:
This is a fantastic book for neophytes like myself. And it is a hoot to read.


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