Need some help.

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Nov 15, 2022
Chillicothe, Ohio
Hey everyone, I was wondering if someone might be able to help me.

I believe I have accidentally glued my pen blanks to my mandrel and can't seem to get them off.

Is there any technique to get them off that wouldn't hurt the blanks? I'd rather not start over.

Also only the right blank seems to be stuck. The left is loose.


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I would unscrew the mandrel from the Morse Taper and remove the bushings and barrel that aren't stuck.

Then I'd stack as many bushings as I could find onto the end to the right of the glued-on barrel, until one of the bushings over-hangs the end by a small amount.

Put that bushing against something solid, and with a mallet tap the other end of the mandrel.
You can also try applying small amounts of nail polish remover (acetone) to the end of the stuck blank, where it meets the mandrel/bushing. It will likely trash the existing CA finish, but the blank should survive ok. Acetone dissolves CA.
Can also try to use a craft knife to make a small cut around where the mandrel meats the tube. You'll still have to clean up the end afterward, but it might save your finish better than using acetone to dissolve the CA.
My wife says nail polish doesn't contain acetone. Got something else. Stacking bushing and lightly tapping with a mallet or hammer seems like a good idea. I nevir mak misteaks while torning penns.
Use the exacto knife trick. Ring the edge of the blank with knife. Scrape off CA up to ends of the blank. It will chip off easily. After you get that cleaned just use a clean cloth and twist to get blank off the mandrel. It may take a good twist if you got alot of CA down tube but will come off. Other method is to take mandrel out and turn on side and on each end drip some acetone (real acetone) down the mandrel. Capillary action will carry it into the tube. Do not get any on blank because it will ruin your finish. When you go to twist blank off make sure the cloth is acetone free. We all have been there. Use it as a lesson. When I finish with CA I always take blank off a couple times between coats but I also use delrin cone shaped holders when finishing. CA sticks less to that stuff. They are very easy to make.
Unfortunately, I've had this happen more than once. You would think I would learn, but no. CA glue has a strong bond but it tends to be fragile. I have found that simply tapping the mandrel, bushing or the blank itself will break the bond. I sometimes start with very gentle tapping on the lathe but for the more aggressive I take it off the lathe.
You can also try applying small amounts of nail polish remover (acetone) to the end of the stuck blank, where it meets the mandrel/bushing. It will likely trash the existing CA finish, but the blank should survive ok. Acetone dissolves CA.
Thanks everyone for the help and advice. I tried using the acetone and that worked perfectly.
It did ruin the CA finish a bit on the ends of the blank but it wasn't too bad that it couldn't be fixed.

I'll try not to get an CA on the mandrel or inner tubes next time!
"It's the nail polish remover that contains acetone."
Didn't proof the sentence, left off the one word. I buy DNA and acetone by the gallon from Lowe's.
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