Need help promoting the photo contest!

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
Folks, I need help promoting the photo contest! Currently I have received a grand total of 2 pics so far. There is only 10 days left so I need a lot more photos! Heck, you guys are even allowed to participate so I EXPECT to get photos from everyone on the bash team!:biggrin:
I took a fresh batch of pics this morning, so if they are any good I'll send some over. I haven't had one person send in an entry for the slimline contest, so your doing better than I am.
Just had a thought - maybe a reminder about the deadlines could be posted - have someone change it daily?

That is:

4 Days to submit your entry for Photo Contest
11 days to Blah blah blah...

It is a bit overwhelming sometimes trying to figure out when each contest is due...maybe people need reminders?

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