my son whom I am very proud of

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Passed Away May 15, 2019
In Memoriam
May 8, 2007
Unionville, tn, USA.

left to right Nashville Mayor, Jared Shelter and my son Daniel Newbern and police chief Anderson
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Your son appears very pleased with this recognition. Obviously it was well earned. Congrats to him and to you for instilling the character he possesses today.
Can you share as to the occasion/ plaque/award?
He and the young man came across a motorcycle accident and the rider's leg had been cut off. Daniel and Jared stayed with him and applied life saving technique's until fire and rescue took over.. They were credited with saving his life..

Congratulations !!! . I constantly admire the courage and commitment of all who serve in police and emergency services.
Plenty to be proud of, it's just to bad he's so short. Otherwise, he just might stand out among a crowd, what the heck have you been feeding him????

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