My first lidded box...

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Aug 7, 2007
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
...which goes to the wife of course.

Finally got around to figuring out my scroll chuck deeleybobber. That is one slick little tool that really opens up options for holding turnings! You all probably already knew that, but I was really impressed! Beats the heck outta faceplates. heh

This is just a little thing, a little over 2" tall, but took me a long time! What a blast, though. I've already got the third one going. The second one (R.I.P.) had a small minor incident caused by some moron running a really aggressively sharpened bowl gouge without paying close enough attention to the flute angle. Wooo, these things blow up good! heh

I've got blanks roughed out and dovetailed for another dozen! What a fun little project they are. heh

This wood is mineral stained/semi-spalted maple that I've had lying around for a while. I did a little dye work on the inside and a few different methods of wood burning. The little finial is walnut that I turned a little dowel onto and glued it in the hole on top. The lid fits perfectly, I was really happy with that because I've been worried about being able to do it. Turns out it's not that hard.

The finish is Shellawax with a carnauba buff.

Comments/questions/suggestions welcome! [:p]



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Karl, thats just plain dog gone nice, and I thought all you was good for was weird blanks [:p][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)] nice wood burning theme and the contrasting inside are real nice ;);)
It may have been your first lidded box but I'd be really surprised if you didn't have prior woodburning or design experience. That kind of symmetry doesn't just happen. Great work!
Originally posted by tipusnr

It may have been your first lidded box but I'd be really surprised if you didn't have prior woodburning or design experience. That kind of symmetry doesn't just happen. Great work!

Well, I had a good bit of help and direction from Ron in Drums, PA and Richard Raffan (via his books). I've also turned a pen or two. :) The wood burning has been an off and on thing for a lot of years. I recently picked up a Colwood burning unit, and that thing has really made life easy, but I have a TON to learn with all the tips and stuff.

Thanks for the nice compliments you guys. [:I]
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