My First 5 Designs for Pen Boxes

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Jul 22, 2014
Shenzhen china
So it's been a while since I had something to show but I've been busy with other things and spent little time with my wood. I made these pen boxes though for a few of my friends but haven't completed any pens as I'm waiting for an Adjustable Live Centre from to arrive. I noticed my lathe is a tad off horizontal centre since the recon and I've tried everything to sort it and this centre will!

I want things right before I start on the Dayacom pens. I designed the boxes to fit the different Dayacom kits I've chosen to make. Each box has two cross beams with a half moon cutout to suit each different pen and not touch the wood. I placed tiny barrel magnets in the lids and bottoms to keep them closed which seems to work well.

The woods I used are Ebony, Indian/Yellow Redwood, Swamp Kauri and Rewarewa with Amboyna, Carpathian and I think Afzelia Burl. I'm not sure what the burl is on the box with the rosewood and ebony/brass lid handle. I bought a job lot of burl pieces a while back and this was amongst them so if anyone recognizes it please let me know.

Please let me know what you feel about my designs and wood combinations positive or not. I feel I shouldn't exceed 3 woods in a box but I've seen some great ones with a lot more than that. My favourite box is the Ebony one.

I hope you're all well and doing the things that make you happy, thanks and enjoy.



  • Kauri Redwood Box.jpg
    Kauri Redwood Box.jpg
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  • Redwood Afzelia Box.jpg
    Redwood Afzelia Box.jpg
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  • Ebony Burl Box.jpg
    Ebony Burl Box.jpg
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  • Redwood Rewarewa Box.jpg
    Redwood Rewarewa Box.jpg
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  • Redwood Amboyna Box.jpg
    Redwood Amboyna Box.jpg
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  • Redwood Afzelia.JPG
    Redwood Afzelia.JPG
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Dec 21, 2009
Eugene, Oregon 97404
I deeply appreciate the aesthetics of your box designs. The woods are beautiful and workmanship top notch. I have made boxes before, but currently choose from the off-the-shelf wood boxes available because I have a desire to acquire reasonable income from my efforts, and making pens but buying boxes works best for me.

Two observations I either design into a box I make, or look for in ones I will buy:
1. The pen should be easy to pick up. This usually mens the box is large enough to allow man-sized fingers to fit into the box to grip the pen.
2. For magnet or spring type closures, be sure they are not too strong, or present a "surprise" as the box lid snaps closed or suddenly releases upon opening. (You can recess the magnet or use a weak spring to accomplish this.) I am usually fine with NO closing device, as I do not feel that aspect is a necessary function of a pen box.

Great job on these...excellent use of beautiful woods.


Jul 1, 2011
Homer Glen, IL
The ebony box and the next to it with the finial handle on top are the most appealing. The magnetic close is a good idea as long as it is not to tight. Your customer needs to easily grasp the from the box. Great design and choice of woods!
Feb 25, 2010
webberville, mi
Interesting. Excellently designed and crafted boxes. I have to say, though, that they almost seem too nice for pens. Certainly too nice for the pens I make. I'm thinking the price point for a pen in a box that well done should be pretty high (no Slimlines here!).


Jul 22, 2014
Shenzhen china
Thanks for the feedback and compliments it's always very much appreciated. Regarding the size of the fingers trying to retrieve the pen I finally increased the width and decreased the height with the last box I made the Kauri/Redwood one. Making it possible to grasp both sides of the pen instead of taking hold of the cap clip to get it out.

I made quite a few tests with different sized and strength magnets as the two cross beams are designed to have a small strip of foam set in the half moon. When the lid closes it holds the pen in place so the magnet must be right. I went with this design because I wanted a clean look on the outside with no latches or the like.

I did think about buying off the shelf but I wanted the whole package to have been made by me and I feel sure people like to own something they know is unique and can't be found anywhere else.

I'm slowly gathering a good stock of exotic wood from my travels in Asia but sadly I'm not always able to find out what the name of it is.

Thanks to you all,



Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
They are all quite pleasant to the eye, at first glance, the ebony box jumps out to me however, the woods on the other boxes are equally beautiful.

Someone mention, the price these boxes can fetch and what sort of pens these would be most suited for and, as far as I see it, the best possible combination (for me) is to have a pen/fountain made with the same woods as the box, I would then call it a "set", something that I believe will attract the most value for anyone that see a pen, more than just something to write with, many pen collectors I know, would take one of these sets a lot easier than any single pen...!

So, just something for you to think about, any of these boxes alone could fetch $100, make a quality pen with a quality kit, and you have a good chance to turn the set into a $500 item/sale...!

Good luck...!



Jul 22, 2014
Shenzhen china
Hi George

Thanks very much for taking the time to respond it seems you're one of many that likes the ebony box. It didn't cross my mind about matching the pen and box together and I had wondered what they might be worth as a set. So far I've never sold any of the things I've made but why not many others seem to be making a few shillings with their pens. Maybe I can stock up on some new and different exotics with the proceeds?

Best regards



Dec 3, 2010
woodland, wa
Allow me to add my kudos for excellent design and craftsmanship. I too make a lot of boxes, mostly jewelry boxes and not pen specific such as yours. I agree with other observations that a matched set would be extra special, the boxes alone are quite a value. Boxes such as your should find their way to becoming a prominent display item on a desk, and not merely a sales container.

One issue we all deal with is perceived value. Are you able to command a price for you boxes which justifies your time, effort and materials. Too often a potential buyer won't acknowledge the skills requiered and too offten want a nice piece for next to nothing.

The short of what I'm trying to convey is, dont sell yourself short. Quality demands quality price. Avoid the urge to "give away" your work just to have a sale.

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