My Civil War Project

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Jul 3, 2009
Pittsburgh PA
Here's something that I have been working on, I had posted a question about the type of wood that it is but didn't tell the story behind it. So here goes The wood is from Gettysburg, PA. It was from a Witness tree that was on the battlefield during the battle of Gettysburg. The tree was from the area where Longstreet was posted during the battle. When a tree gets damaged from the weather or too old the Park Service will cut it down and use the wood for plaques or other items so it doesn't go to waste. I felt that this was the right was to use this piece, What do you folks think?


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Nice pen I do not mind those kits I think they represent that period very well (from a Australians point)
I like the face and the engraving on the pen well done very nice:)
Thank you Justin, I had Ken Form Kallenshaan woods do the laser engraving. I can't afford one of those yet, but I'm hoping that someday I can.
Not sure it was given to me, from what i understand this piece had a memorial marker in it that they took out. They have a limited supply and you have to go there to get it. Usually it's not in a log form, you have to find a piece.
Here's something that I have been working on, I had posted a question about the type of wood that it is but didn't tell the story behind it. So here goes The wood is from Gettysburg, PA. It was from a Witness tree that was on the battlefield during the battle of Gettysburg. The tree was from the area where Longstreet was posted during the battle. When a tree gets damaged from the weather or too old the Park Service will cut it down and use the wood for plaques or other items so it doesn't go to waste. I felt that this was the right was to use this piece, What do you folks think?

That should be from what i call the Longstreet Oak. It was on the south end of West Confederat Ave near the Emmitsburg Road. It is where Longstreet was when he began the attack on Little Round Top on July 2nd 1863. Here's one I did out of that oak w/CA finish. One needs to be correct in where the witness wood is obtained, as it is not openly given out or sold.


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Very nice job and good think'n. I like the kit because if it's significance and I made one for a black power friend, used elk antler. I'm working on another now. They are not a pretty pen, but not meant to be. Fun to make though. I have to ask, I know nothing about that era rifles, but did the bullets look like that or is that more of a modern day version? I thought they shot round ball back than.
That should be from what i call the Longstreet Oak. It was on the south end of West Confederat Ave near the Emmitsburg Road. It is where Longstreet was when he began the attack on Little Round Top on July 2nd 1863. Here's one I did out of that oak w/CA finish. One needs to be correct in where the witness wood is obtained, as it is not openly given out or sold.
Perfectly placed clip. Right on target.
When I first saw a picture of one of those pen kits, I kind of wrinkled my nose and quickly click off the post, but you know, the more I see of them, the more I'm starting to like those darned kits. Now that I've seen what you did as a tribute, well, it's a truly wonderful pen! You've changed my mind to say the least. The only thing that I don't like is the rifle clip. I know some do like it, but I just can't make myself like those darned things.

One other thing, the minniball was in use prior to the Civil War in Europe, and was adopted by the U.S. military (Jefferson Davis) in 1855. It has a pretty interesting history, and sure revolutionized bullets and the weapons that shoot them.

Rick (mtgrizzly52)
If PSI would just do something about that god awful rifle clip. With the Civil War, the ideas for clips is endless. The clip they chose was mindless. Your job on the Civil War theme, however, was brilliant and provocative.
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