My 2nd cigar

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Sep 1, 2008
This is my 2nd cigar. It is tiger pradauk with titanium hardware and BLO and CA finish. I had trouble with the finish and finally broke out the micromesh and started at 1500 and went through 12,000. Then reapplied 3 coats of CA and BLO. Then micromeshed and EEE polish and white diamond buffed. This wood is a whole lot more spectacular than the photo shows....curly..chatoyance.....groups of little red lines running down the length of the pen. Beautiful wood.



Ken, I thought I had that junction rounded over but when I sanded it wasn't.

Critiques and comments welcomed!
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Fitz, that's a beautiful piece of wood, Pradauk is so pretty, the fit on that radius almost has to look like it's over turned, so the edge blends the connector can be proud by quite a bit, the radius of the connector is around 1.51MM or .0385 so in theory you can be under by .016 and just catch the beginning of the radii. regardless of that bit of nit picking, and that's all it is that is a very nice pen, besides chances are only a jerk like me would notice things like that.
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