Mr. Anonymous Game #27 @ 3/09/2015

Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad


Aug 6, 2009
Australia - SA Adelaide Hills
Hi everyone..!

A bit late but, now that some other IAP events are winding down, is time for me to do another of these Mr. Anonymous games and make a lucky winner to enjoy a bunch of blanks, I have put aside for this game winner's prize.

So, and I just insinuated, I gathered a number of mostly shorts, of some highly figured woods, that I have in my stables storage...!

There is only a single prize, it's packed and waiting for a name in the recipient's tag, and it will be on its way, winner pays shipping AU$21.00


Before I ask the question, there is ONE CONDITION for all participants, only members that joined to IAP from the 1th January 2015, will have their answers/guesses entitle to claim the prize, members prior this period, are most welcome to participate but their answers will not be considered for the prize.

Request: Let the newer members work out a sweat...!:wink::biggrin:


OK so, do you see these 5 groups of blanks ? give me the wood species name for each group. They may or may not ,be in my "Timbers List"...!


Good luck everyone...!

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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
1. Sassafras
2. Hills Weeping Fig
3. Alabama Supplejack
4. Turkey Wattle
5. Big Turkey Wattle

those guesses should qualify me to host a Wood ID Contest some day, don't ya think?
Where are all those new 2015 IAP members..???:eek:

A good opportunity for them to have a go, a little research through my web-store and they all will have some good possibilities, at least for some...!

Came on peoples, let's play...!:)

I've seen some interesting answers but, none got it...!

Great to see a couple of new faces/names in these games, thanks guys...!

No one got it right however, I can say that some of the new guys aren't doing too bad at all so, congrats guys, you are on the right track to recognise most of my woods and other that are not part of the list but that, I so often get a few blanks to work with and sell the excess...!

Has not been a lot of participation is this particular game and I wonder if is something else going on where most members are involved with....??

Well, someone will get it, at some time...!

Another new member, than you...!

There has been almost all the woods in question mentioned but, most in the incorrect order, sorry...!

I can help a little bit by saying that, it has been a general consensus that #2 is Amboyna or PNG Rosewood burl, I can also say that, #3 is Olive root/burl and that #1 is Platypus Gum burl and that, is all I say today, you can can concentrate on the last 2 woods...!

*- 1 Platypus Gum burl
*- 2 Amboyna
*- 3 Olive root/burl
*- 4 ?
*- 5 ?

1. platypus gum burl
2. amboyna
3. olive root
4. Apricot ...looks like some kind of fruit tree to me...
5. some kind of pine?
Let's try again
1. Macrocarpa
2. Amboyna
3. Olive
4. Cotoneaster berry tree-Spalted
5. Bottlebrush
1 Sugar Gum Burl
2 Amboyna Burl
3 Platypus Gum Burl Spalted
4 Tortuosa Willow tree Burl
5 Colonial Red Gum Curly

Ok so I should have looked to see the number 1, 2 and 3 were answered. O well.
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1 Platypus Gum burl
2 Amboyna
3 Olive root/burl
4. Almond (old) Close but need something more
5. Red Gum Hahahah, the colour is right but, not the name, this one has "rays"...!

Well, you wouldn't tell, one of my wood identification champions, is having troubles identifying some of my own woods, that right, they are all from my stables...!:wink:

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1 Sugar Gum Burl
2 Amboyna Burl
3 Platypus Gum Burl Spalted
4 Tortuosa Willow tree Burl
5 Colonial Red Gum Curly

Ok so I should have looked to see the number 1, 2 and 3 were answered. O well.

Yes mate, you missed that so, the job is a little easier now, only 2 species to identify, one of them, I mention it here quite often...!:eek::biggrin:

1. Platypus Gum burl
2. Amboyna
3. Olive root/burl
4. Almond Burl (old)
5. She/bull oak
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1. Platypus Gum burl
2. Amboyna
3. Olive root/burl
4. Almond Burl (old)
5. Scarlet Oak
And the winner is...???

Congratulations Jontello you got yourself a great box of mixed blanks from my "stables"

As must of may have noticed, there was another member that had the correct answer but that, was outside of the condition requested in the opening post so, I much appreciate the fact that, there was some good help from the "older fellas" so, thank you to them also.

Thank you also for the couple of new members that were kind enough to have a go at it and as it turned out, for one of those new members, if paid off, huh..???

As indicated on the opening post, winner pays shipping as specified and a Paypal payment should be forwarded to,, thanks...!

Well, this wraps-up this #27 game, proudly sponsored by Mr. Anonymous.

I hope you guys had some fun, I apologise for my "low" participation on IAP at the moment but, I will come back as always, with my full attention to IAP...!

Thank you, all...!:wink::biggrin:

Thanks so much for the game. I really appreciate the help of the more experienced members of the group. I will post up some pens with the blanks when they are made!

Thanks again.

Money sent. Let me know if it does not go through.
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